“I am going to claim the utmost and best privilege
of sincere friendship and good-will, that of offering a few words of well-meant
advice; and you may be sure that the occasion seems important to induce me to
venture so far upon your tolerance. It respects the preface to your work, which Constable and Co. have sent to me. It is as
well written as that sort of thing can be; but will you forgive me if I say—it
is too much in the tone of the offence which gave rise to it, to be agreeable
either to good taste or to general feeling. Coleridge’s work has been little read or heard of,
and has made no general impression whatever—certainly no impression
unfavourable to you or your Play. In the opinion, therefore, of many, you will
be resenting an injury of which they are unacquainted with the existence. If I
see a man beating another unmercifully, I am apt to condemn him upon the first
blush of the business, and hardly excuse him though I may afterwards learn he
had ample provocation. Besides, your diatribe is not hujus loci. We take up a novel for amusement, and this
current of controversy breaks out upon us like a stream of lava out of the side
of a beautiful green hill; men will say you should have reserved your disputes
for re-
“I have only to add, that Messrs Constable and Co. are seriously alarmed for
the effects of the preface upon the public mind as unfavourable to the work. In
this they must be tolerable judges, for their experience
“I will not ask your forgiveness for the freedom I have used, for I am sure you will not suspect me of any motives but those which arise from regard to your talents and person; but I shall be glad to hear (whether you follow my advice or no) that you are not angry with me for having volunteered to offer it.
“My health is, I think, greatly improved; I have had some returns of my spasmodic affection, but tolerable in degree, and yielding to medicine. I hope gentle exercise and the air of my hills will set me up this summer. I trust you will soon be out now. I have delayed reading the sheets in progress after vol. I., that I might enjoy them when collected. Ever yours, &c.,