“Your packet arrived this morning. I was much
disappointed not to find the Prince of the Black
Islands’ plan in it, nor have I heard a word from him
since anent it, or anent the still more essential articles of doors and
windows. I heard from Hector MacDonald
Buchanan, that the said doors and windows were packing a
fortnight since, but there are no news of them. Surely our friend’s heart
has grown as hard as his materials; or the spell of the enchantress, which
confined itself to the extremities of his predecessor, has extended over his
whole person. Mr Atkinson has kept
tryste charmingly, and the cieling of the diningroom will be superb. I have
got, I know not how many casts from Melrose and other places, of pure Gothic
antiquity. I must leave this on the 12th, and I could bet a trifle the doors,
&c. will arrive the very day I set out, and be all put up à la bonne aventure. Mean time I am
keeping open house, not much to my convenience, and I am afraid I shall be
stopped in my plastering by the want of these matters. The exposed state of my
house has led to a mysterious disturbance. The night before last we were awaked
by a violent noise, like drawing heavy boards along the new part of the
‘So bolt upright, And ready to fight.’ |
“When you see Mr Atkinson, will you ask him how far he is satisfied with the arch between the armoury and the anteroom, and whether it pleases him as it now stands? I have a brave old oaken cabinet, as black as ebony, 300 years old at least, which will occupy one side of the anteroom for the present. It is seven feet and a half long, about eighteen inches deep, and upwards of six feet high—a fine stand for china, &c.
“You will be sorry to hear that we have lost our excellent old friend, Mrs Murray Keith. She enjoyed all her spirits and excellent faculties till within two days of her death, when she was seized with a feverish complaint, which eighty-two years were not calculated to resist. Much tradition, and of the very best kind, has died with this excellent old lady; one of the few persons whose spirits and cleanliness, and freshness of mind and body, made old age lovely and desirable. In the general case it seems scarce endurable.
* Bullock’s manufactory was in this street. |
“It seems odd to me that Rob Roy* should have made good fortune; pray let me know something of its history. There is in Jedediah’s present work a thing capable of being woven out a Bourgeoise tragedy. I think of contriving that it shall be in your hands some time before the public see it, that you may try to operate upon it yourself. This would not be difficult, as vol. 4, and part of 3d contain a different story. Avowedly I will never write for the stage; if I do, ‘call me horse.’ And indeed I feel severely the want of knowledge of theatrical business and effect: however, something we will do. I am writing in the noise and babble of a head-court of freeholders, therefore my letter is incoherent, and therefore it is written also on long paper; but therefore, moreover, it will move by frank, as the member is here, and stands upon his popularity. Kind compliments to Mrs Terry and Walter. Yours very truly,.