Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Walter Scott to the Duke of Buccleugh, 15 April 1819
“Abbotsford, 15th April, 1819.
“My dear Lord Duke,
“How very strange it seems that this should be the
first letter I address your Grace, and you so long absent from Scotland, and
looking for all the news and nonsense of which I am in general such a faithful
reporter. Alas! I have been ill—very—very—ill—only Dr Baillie says there is nothing of consequence about my malady
except the pain—a pretty exception—said pain being
intense enough to keep me roaring as loud as
* “Sir Walter got not only the recipe for
making bread from us—but likewise learnt the best mode of cutting it
‘in a family way.’ The bread-board and large knife used at
Abbotsford at breakfasttime, were adopted by Sir Walter, after seeing
them ‘work well’ in our family.”—Note by Mr
Andrew Shortrede. |
your Grace’s ci-devant John of Lorn, and of, generally speaking, from
six to eight hours’ incessant duration, only varied by intervals of
deadly sickness. Poor Sophia was alone
with me for some time, and managed a half distracted pack of servants with
spirit, and sense, and presence of mind, far beyond her years, never suffering
her terror at seeing me in a state so new to her and so alarming to divert her
mind an instant from what was fit and proper to be done. Pardon this side
compliment to your Grace’s little Jacobite, to whom you have always been
so kind. If sympathy could have cured me, I should not have been long ill.
Gentle and simple were all equally kind, and even old Tom
Watson crept down from Falshope to see how I was coming on, and
to ejaculate ‘if any thing ailed the Shirra, it would be sair on the
Duke.’ The only unwelcome resurrection was that of old * * *, whose feud with me (or rather
dryness) I had well hoped was immortal; but he came jinking over the moor with
daughters and ponies, and God knows what, to look after my precious health. I
cannot tolerate that man; it seems to me as if I hated him for things not only
past and present, but for some future offence which is as yet in the womb of
“I have had as many remedies sent me for cramp and
jaundice as would set up a quack doctor—three from Mrs Plummer, each better than the other one—at least from every
gardener in the neighbourhood—besides all sort of recommendations to go to
Cheltenham, to Harrowgate, to Jericho for aught I know. Now if there is one
thing I detest more than another, it is a watering-place, unless a very
pleasant party be previously formed, when, as Tony
Lumpkin says, ‘a gentleman may be in a
concatenation.’ The most extraordinary recipe was that of my
Highland piper, John ![]()
Bruce, who spent a whole Sunday in
selecting twelve stones from twelve south-running streams, with the purpose
that I should sleep upon them, and be whole. I caused him to be told that the
recipe was infallible, but that it was absolutely necessary to success that the
stones should be wrapt up in the petticoat of a widow who had never wished to
marry again, upon which the piper renounced all hope of completing the charm. I
had need of a softer couch than Bruce had destined me, for
so general was the tension of the nerves all over the body, although the pain
of the spasms in the stomach did not suffer the others to be felt, that my
whole left leg was covered with swelling and inflammation, arising from the
unnatural action of the muscles, and I had to be carried about like a child. My
right leg escaped better, the muscles there having less irritability, owing to
its lame state. Your grace may imagine the energy of pain in the nobler parts,
when cramps in the extremities, sufficient to produce such effects, were
unnoticed by me during their existence. But enough of so disagreeable a
“Respecting the portrait, I shall be equally proud
and happy to sit for it, and hope it may be so executed as to be in some degree
worthy of the preferment to which it is destined.* But neither my late golden
hue, for I was covered with jaundice, nor my present silver complexion (looking
much more like a spectre than a man) will present any idea of my quondam
beef-eating physiognomy. I must wait till the age of
brass, the true juridical bronze of my profession, shall again appear
on my frontal. I hesitate a little about Rae-
* The position in the Library at Bowhill, originally
destined by the late Duke of
Buccleuch for a portrait that never was executed, is now
filled by that which Raeburn
painted in 1808 for Constable,
and which has been engraved for the first volume of this work. |
burn, unless your Grace is quite
determined. He has very much to do; works just now chiefly for cash, poor
fellow, as he can have but a few years to make money; and has twice already
made a very chowder-headed person of me. I should like much (always with your
approbation) to try Allan, who is a man
of real genius, and has made one or two glorious portraits, though his
predilection is to the historical branch of the art. We did rather a handsome
thing for him, considering that in Edinburgh we are neither very wealthy nor
great amateurs. A hundred persons subscribed ten guineas a-piece to raffle* for
his fine picture of the Circassian Chief * Three pictures were ultimately raffled for; and
the following note, dated April the 1st, 1819, shows how keenly and
practically Scott, almost in the
crisis of his malady, could attend to the details of such a
business: To J. G. Lockhart,
Esq., Advocate, Edinburgh. “I have been dreadfully ill since
I wrote to you, but I think I have now got the turn fairly.
It was quite time, for though the doctors say the disease
is not dangerous, yet I could not have endured six days
more agony. I have a summons from the ingenious Mr David Bridges to attend to
my interests at his shop next Saturday, or send some
qualified person to act on my behalf. I suppose this
mysterious missive alludes to the plan about Allan’s pictures, and
at any rate I hope you will act for me. I should think a
raffle with dice would give more general satisfaction than
a lottery. You would be astonished what unhandsome
suspicions well educated and sensible persons will take
into their heads, when a selfish competition awakens the
mean and evil passions of our nature. Let each subscriber
throw the dice in person or by proxy, leaving out all who
throw under a certain number, and let this be repeated till
the number is so far reduced that the three who throw
highest may hold the prizes. I have much to say to you, and
should you spare me a day about the end of next week, I
trust you will find me pretty bobbish. Always yours
affectionately, W. S. The Mr David
Bridges here mentioned has occurred already.— |
selling slaves to the Turkish Pacha a beautiful and
highly poetical picture. There was another small picture added by way of second
prize, and, what is curious enough, the only two peers on the list, Lord Wemyss and Lord
Fife, both got prizes. Allan has made a
sketch which I shall take to town with me when I can go, in hopes Lord Stafford, or some other picture-buyer, may
fancy it, and order a picture. The subject is the murder of Archbishop Sharp on Magus Moor, prodigiously
well treated. The savage ferocity of the assassins, crowding one on another to
strike at the old prelate on his knees—contrasted with the old man’s
figure—and that of his daughter endeavouring to interpose for his protection,
and withheld by a ruffian of milder mood than his fellows:—the dogged fanatical
severity of Rathillet’s
countenance, who remained on horseback witnessing, with stern fanaticism, the
murder he did not choose to be active in, lest it should be said that he struck
out of private revenge—are all amazingly well combined in the sketch. I
question if the artist can bring them out with equal spirit in the painting
which he meditates. Sketches give a sort of fire to the imagination of the
spectator, who is apt to fancy a great deal more for himself than the pencil,
in the finished picture, can possibly present to his eye afterwards. Constable has offered
Allan three hundred pounds to make sketches for an
edition of the Tales of My
Landlord, and other novels of that cycle, and says he will give him
the same sum next year, so, from being pinched enough, this very deserving
artist suddenly finds himself at his ease. He was long at Odessa with the
Duke of Richelieu, and is a very
entertaining person.
“I saw with great pleasure Wilkie’s sketch of your
See ante,
p. 172. The jokers in Blackwood made him happy, by dubbing him “The
Director-General of the Fine Arts for Scotland.” |
Grace, and I think
when I get to town I shall coax him out of a copy, to me invaluable. I hope,
however, when you return, you will sit to Lawrence. We should have at least one picture of your Grace
from the real good hand. Sooth to speak, I cannot say much for the juvenile
representations at Bowhill and in the library at Dalkeith. Return, however,
with the original features in good health, and we shall not worry you about
portraits. The library at Bowhill will be a delightful room, and will be some
consolation to me who must, I fear, lose for some time the comforts of the
eating-room, and substitute panada and toast and water for the bonny haunch and
buxom bottle of claret. Truth is, I must make great restrictions on my
creature-comforts, at least till my stomach recovers its tone and ostrich-like
capacity of digestion. Our spring here is slow, but not unfavourable: the
country looking very well, and my plantings for the season quite completed. I
have planted quite up two little glens, leading from the Aid-de-Camp’s habitation up to the
little loch, and expect the blessings of posterity for the shade and shelter I
shall leave where, God knows, I found none.
“It is doomed this letter is not to close without a
request. I conclude your Grace has already heard from fifty applicants that the
kirk of Middlebie is vacant, and I come forward as the fifty-first (always
barring prior engagements and better claims) in behalf of George Thomson, a son of the minister of
Melrose, being the grinder of my boys, and therefore deeply entitled to my
gratitude and my good offices, as far as they can go. He is nearer Parson Abraham Adams than any living creature I
ever saw—very learned, very religious, very simple, and extremely absent. His
father, till very lately, had but a sort of half stipend, during the incumbency
of a certain notorious Mr MacLagan, to
whom he acted only as assistant. The poor devil was
brought to the grindstone (having had the want of precaution to beget a large
family), and became the very figure of a fellow who used to come upon the stage
to sing, ‘Let us all be unhappy together.’ This poor lad
George was his saving angel, not only educating
himself, but taking on him the education of two of his brothers, and
maintaining them out of his own scanty pittance. He is a sensible lad, and by
no means a bad preacher, a staunch Anti-Gallican, and orthodox in his
principles. Should your Grace find yourself at liberty to give countenance to
this very innocent and deserving creature, I need not say it will add to the
many favours you have conferred on me, but I hope the parishioners will have
also occasion to say, ‘Weel bobbit, George of
Middlebie.’ Your Grace’s Aide-de-camp, who
knows young Thomson well, will give you a better idea of
him than I can do. He lost a leg by an accident in his boyhood, which spoiled
as bold and fine looking a grenadier as ever charged bayonet against a
Frenchman’s throat. I think your Grace will not like him the worse for
having a spice of military and loyal spirit about him. If you knew the poor
fellow, your Grace would take uncommon interest in him, were it but for the odd
mixture of sense and simplicity, and spirit and good morals. Somewhat too much
of him.
“I conclude you will go to Mafra, Cintra, or some of
these places, which Baretti describes so
delightfully, to avoid the great heats, when the Palace de las Necessidades
must become rather oppressive. By the by, though it were only for the credit of
the name, I am happy to learn it has that useful English comfort, a water
closet. I suppose the armourer of the
Liffey has already put it in complete repair. Your
Grace sees the most secret passages respecting great men cannot be ![]()
hidden from their friends. There is
but little news here but death in the clan. Harden’s sister is dead—a cruel blow to Lady Die,* who is upwards of eighty-five, and
accustomed to no other society. Again, Mrs Frank Scott,
his uncle’s widow, is dead, unable to survive the loss of two fine young
men in India, her sons, whose death closely followed each other. All this is
sad work; but it is a wicked and melancholy world we live in. God bless you, my
dear, dear Lord. Take great care of your health, for the sake of all of us. You
are the breath of our nostrils, useful to thousands, and to many of these
thousands indispensable. I will write again very soon, when I can keep my
breast longer to the desk without pain, for I am not yet without frequent
relapses, when they souse me into scalding water without a moment’s
delay, where I lie, as my old grieve Tom
Purdie said last night, being called to assist at the operation,
‘like a haulded saumon’ I write a
few lines to the Aide-de-Camp, but I am afraid of putting this letter beyond
the bounds of Lord Montagu’s frank.
When I can do any thing for your Grace here, you know I am most pleased and
happy. Ever respectfully and affectionately your Grace’s
Sir William Allan (1782-1850)
Scottish painter who traveled in Russia and exhibited at the Royal Academy to which he
was elected in 1835; he was president of the Royal Scottish Academy (1838).
Matthew Baillie (1761-1823)
Physician and brother of Joanna Baillie; as successor to the anatomist William Hunter he
treated the pedal deformities of both Walter Scott and Lord Byron.
David Bridges (1776-1840)
Edinburgh clothier, connoisseur, and secretary of the Society of Dilettanti.
Archibald Constable (1774-1827)
Edinburgh bookseller who published the
Edinburgh Review and works
of Sir Walter Scott; he went bankrupt in 1826.
James Duff, fourth earl of Fife (1776-1857)
Son of the third earl (d. 1811); after study at Westminster and Oxford he fought at the
Battle of Talavera, was Major-General in the Spanish Army, and was Tory MP for Banffshire
Sir Adam Ferguson (1771-1855)
Son of the philosopher and classmate and friend of Sir Walter Scott; he served in the
Peninsular Campaign under Wellington, afterwards living on his estate in
George Granville Leveson- Gower, first duke of Sutherland (1758-1833)
The son of the first marquess of Stafford (d. 1803); he was one of the wealthiest men in
Britain with an annual income of £200,000; his program for Scottish clearances and
resettlement was widely unpopular. He was created duke in 1833.
David Hackston of Rathillet (d. 1680)
Scottish Covenanter; in 1679 he was present at the murder of Archbishop Sharp and at the
battle of Bothwell Bridge; he was executed at Edinburgh the following year.
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830)
English portrait painter who succeeded Joshua Reynolds as painter in ordinary to the king
(1792); he was president of the Royal Academy (1820).
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Frederick Maclagan (1738-1818)
Minister of Melrose Parish (1768-88); about 1785 he was charged with adultery but
Mary Plummer [née Pringle] (d. 1838)
The daughter of James Pringle of Bowland; she married Andrew Plummer, who preceded Walter
Scott as Sheriff of Selkirkshire.
Thomas Purdie (1767-1829)
Sir Walter Scott's forester; they originally met when Purdie was brought before Sheriff
Scott on charges of poaching.
Sir Henry Raeburn (1756-1823)
Scottish portrait painter and friend of Sir Walter Scott.
William Riddell of Camieston (1746-1829)
Son of Thomas Riddell of Camieston; he was a Writer to the Signet (1770) who quarreled
with Walter Scott.
Diana Scott [née Hume Campbell] (1735-1827)
The daughter of the third earl of Marchmont; in 1754 she married Walter Scott, eleventh
laird of Harden. She was an early patroness of Walter Scott.
James Sharp, archbishop of St Andrews (1618-1679)
Professor of Philosophy at St. Andrews; after his conversion to episcopacy he was made
archbishop in 1661. He was murdered by Covenenters on Magus Moor.
Andrew Shortreed (1805-1858)
Son of Walter Scott's friend, Robert Shortreed; he was an Edinburgh printer who at one
time worked for James Ballantyne.
George Thomson (1792-1838)
The son of George Thomson (1758-1835), clergyman at Melrose; he was the wooden-legged
tutor and chaplain in the family of Sir Walter Scott. He was the model for Dominie Sampson
Guy Mannering.
Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841)
Scottish-born artist whose genre-paintings were much admired; he was elected to the Royal
Academy in 1811.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (1817-1980). Begun as the
Edinburgh Monthly Magazine,
Blackwood's assumed the name of its proprietor, William Blackwood after the sixth
number. Blackwood was the nominal editor until 1834.