“I am sorry Walter did not get to your kind domicile. But he staid but about five or six days in London, and great was his haste, as you may well suppose. He had a world of trinkums to get, for you know there goes as much to the man-millinery of a young officer of hussars as to that of an heiress on her bridal day. His complete equipage, horses not included, cost about L.360, and if you add a couple of blood horses, it will be L.200 more, besides the price of his commission, for the privilege of getting the hardness of his skull tried by a brickbat at the next meeting of Radical Reformers. I am not much afraid of these folks, however, because I remember 1793 and 1794, when the same ideas possessed a much more formidable class of the people, being received by a large proportion of farmers, shopkeepers, and others, possessed of substance. A mere mob will always be a fire of loose straw; but it is melancholy to think of the individual mischief that may be done. I did not find it quite advisable to take so long a journey as London this summer. I am quite recovered; but my last attack was of so dreadful a nature, that I wish to be quite insured against another—i. e. as much as one can be insured against such a circumstance—before leaving home for any length of time.
“To return to the vanities of this world from what
“As something of an antiquary and genealogist, I
should not like there were any mistakes in this matter, so I send you a small
note of my descent by my father and my paternal grandmother, with a memorandum
of the proofs by which they may be supported, to which I might add a whole
cloud of oral witnesses. I hate the being suspected of fishing for a pedigree,
or bolstering one up with false statements. How people can bring themselves to
this I cannot conceive. I send you a copy of the Haliburton MS., of which I have printed
twenty for the satisfaction of a few friends. You can have any part of them
copied in London which ought to be registered. I should like if Sir George Naylor would take the trouble of
looking at the proofs, which are chiefly extracts from the public records. I
take this opportunity to send you also a copy of a little amateur-book—
AUG—SEPT. 1819. | 299 |