. . . . . . . . . “Fortunately God Mercury descended in the shape of calomel to
relieve me in this dignis vindice
nodus, and at present my system is pretty strong. In the
mean while my family are beginning to get forwards. Walter—(you remember my wading into Cauldshiels loch to save
his little frigate from wreck)—is now a Cornet of six feet two inches in your
Irish 18th Hussars; the regiment is now at Cork, and will probably be next
removed to Dublin, so you will see your old friend with a new face; be-furred,
be-feathered, and be-whiskered in the highest military ton. I have desired him to call upon you,
should he get to Dublin on leave, or come there upon duty. I miss him here very
much, for he was my companion, gamekeeper, &c. &c., and when one loses
one’s own health and strength, there are few things so pleasant as to see
a son enjoying both in the vigour of hope and promise. Think of this, my good
friend, and as you have kind affections to make some