“I am duly honoured with your very interesting and
flattering communication. Our Highlanders have
“Besides, I hope the devil does not owe me such a shame. Mad Tom tells us, that ‘the Prince of Darkness is a gentleman;’ and this mysterious personage will, I hope, partake as much of his honourable feelings as of his invisibility, and, retaining his incognito, permit me to enjoy, in his stead, an honour which I value more than I do that which has been bestowed on me by the credit of having written any of his novels.
“I regret deeply I cannot soon avail myself of my new privileges; but courts, which I am under the necessity of attending officially, sit down in a few days, and, hei mihi! do not arise for vacation until July. But I hope to be in town next spring; and certainly I have one strong additional reason, for a London journey, furnished by the pleasure of meeting the Roxburghe Club. Make my most respectful compliments to the members at their next merry-meeting; and express, in the warmest manner, my sense of obligation.—I am always, my dear sir, very much your most obedient servant,