Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to Daniel Terry, 29 October 1823
“Abbotsford, October 29, 1823.
“Our correspondence has been flagging for some time,
yet I have much to thank you for, and perhaps something to apologize for. We
did not open Mr Baldock’s commode,
because, in honest truth, this place has cost me a great deal within these two
years, and I was loth to add a superfluity, however elegant, to the heavy
expense already necessarily incurred. Lady
Scott, the party most interested in the drawing-room, thinks
mirrors, when they cast up, better things and more necessary. We have received
the drawing-room grate—very handsome indeed—from Bower,
but not those for the library or my room, nor are they immediately wanted.
Nothing have we heard of the best bed and its accompaniments, but there is no
hurry for this neither. We are in possession of the bedroom story, garrets, and
a part of the under ![]()
or sunk story—basement, the learned
call it; but the library advances slowly. The extreme wetness of the season has
prevented the floor from being laid, nor dare we now venture it till spring,
when shifting and arranging the books will be ‘a pleasing pain and
toil with a gain.’ The front of the house is now enclosed by a
court-yard wall, with flankers of 100 feet, and a handsome gateway. The
interior of the court is to be occupied by a large gravel drive for carriages,
the rest with flowers, shrubs, and a few trees: the inside of the court-yard
wall is adorned with large carved medallions from the old Cross of Edinburgh,
and Roman or colonial heads in bas relief from the ancient station of Petreia,
now called Old Penrith. A walk runs along it, which I intend to cover with
creepers as a trellissed arbour: the court-yard is separated from the garden by
a very handsome colonnade, the arches filled up with cast-iron, and the cornice
carved with flowers, after the fashion of the running cornice on the cloisters
at Melrose: the masons here cut so cheap that it really tempts one. All this is
in a great measure finished, and by throwing the garden into a subordinate
state, as a sort of plaisance, it has
totally removed the awkward appearance of its being so near the house. On the
contrary, it seems a natural and handsome accompaniment to the old-looking
mansion. Some people of very considerable taste have been here, who have given
our doings much applause, particularly Dr Russel, a
beautiful draughtsman, and no granter of propositions. The interior of the hall
is finished with scutcheons, sixteen of which, running along the centre, I
intend to paint with my own quarterings, so far as I know them, for I am as yet
uncertain of two on my mother’s side; but fourteen are no bad quartering
to be quite real, and the others may be covered with a cloud, since I have no
ambition to be ![]()
a canon of Strasburg,
for which sixteen are necessary; I may light on these, however. The scutcheons
on the cornice I propose to charge with the blazonry of all the Border clans,
eighteen in number, and so many of the great families, not clans, as will
occupy the others. The windows are to be painted with the different bearings of
different families of the clan of Scott, which, with their
quarterings and impalings, will make a pretty display. The arranging all these
arms, &c., have filled up what Robinson
Crusoe calls the rainy season, for such this last may on the
whole be called. I shall be greatly obliged to you to let me know what debts I
owe in London, that I may remit accordingly: best to pay for one’s piping
in time, and before we are familiar with our purchases. You mentioned having
some theatrical works for me; do not fail to let me know the amount. Have you
seen Dr Meyrick’s account of the
Ancient Armour? it is a book beautifully got up, and of much antiquarian
“Having said so much for my house, I add for my
family, that those who are here are quite well, but Lady Scott a little troubled with asthma. Ballantyne will send you my last affair now in
progress: it is within, or may be easily compressed into, dramatic time;
whether it is otherwise qualified for the stage, I cannot guess.—I am, my dear
Terry, truly yours,
John Ballantyne (1774-1821)
Edinburgh publisher and literary agent for Walter Scott; he was the younger brother of
the printer James Ballantyne.
Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick (1783-1848)
English attorney and antiquary, educated at Queen's College, Oxford; he published
A Critical Inquiry into Antient Armour as it existed in Europe
Daniel Terry (1789-1829)
English actor; after a career in provincial theater made his London debut in 1812. A
close friend of Walter Scott, he performed in theatrical adaptations of Scott's