Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to Robert Southey, 26 September 1824
“Bowhill, 26th Sept., 1824.
“I did not immediately thank you for your beautiful
poem on the King’s Visit, because I was afraid you might think that I was
trespassing too much on time which is always well employed; but I must not let
the ice settle again on the stream of our correspondence, and therefore, while
I have a quiet morning, I employ part of it to thank you for the kindness you
have done me as a friend, and still more for the honour you have bestowed on my
country. I hope these verses are one day to see the light, and am too much
personally interested not to expect that period with impatience.
“I had a letter from Gifford some time since, by which I perceive with regret he
renounces further management of the Quarterly. I scarce guess what can be done by Murray in that matter, unless he could prevail
on you to take the charge. No work of the kind can make progress (though it may
be kept afloat) under a mere bookselling management. And the difficulty of
getting a person with sufficient independence of spirit, accuracy of judgment,
and extent of knowledge, to exercise the profession of Aristarch, seems very
great. Yet I have been so long out of the London circles that new stars may
have arisen, and set for aught I know, since I was occasionally within the
“The King of
France’s death, with which one would think I had wondrous
little to do, has produced to me the great disappointment of preventing
Canning’s visit. He had
promised to spend two or three days at Abbotsford on his road to Edinburgh,*
and it is the more pro-
oking, as I dare say, after all,
there is no farther occasion for his being at his post than arises from matter
of mere form, since I suppose there is no reason to think that Charles X. will change the line of policy
adopted by his brother. I remember him in Edinburgh about 1794, one of the most
elegant men in address and exterior whom I ever saw. Strange times we have
lived in! I am speaking of Charles X. as a Frenchman of
1661 might have spoken of Charles II. By
the way, did you ever observe how easy it would be for a good historian to run
a parallel betwixt the great Rebellion and the French Revolution, just
substituting the spirit of fanaticism, for that of soi-disant philosophy. But
then how the character of the English would rise whether you considered the
talents and views of the great leaders on either side, or the comparative
moderation and humanity with which they waged their warfare! I sometimes think
an instructive comparative view might be made out, and it would afford a
comfortable augury that the Restoration in either case was followed by many
amendments in the Constitution. I hope Louis
Baboon will not carry the matter so far as to require completing
the parallel by a second Revolution—but it would be very singular if the
devotion of this King to the Catholic priests and forms should occasion such a
catastrophe. Heber has promised to come
down here, and if so, I will perhaps return with him as far as Rokeby, and, if
we can, take Keswick on our way, were it but to see you for an hour. All this,
however, is speculation. I am just sending off my younger son to Oxford. My
eldest is an officer in the 15th hussars, and I believe will soon get that
object had proposed to return from Dublin
by the way of Scotland. I think there was to have been a public dinner
in his honour at Edinburgh. |
of every young officer’s ambition, a troop, which
would be great luck. Believe me, dear Southey, most truly yours,
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
King Charles I of England (1600-1649)
The son of James VI and I; as king of England (1625-1649) he contended with Parliament;
he was revered as a martyr after his execution.
Charles X, King of France (1757-1836)
He was King of France 1824-1830 succeeding Louis XVIII; upon his abdication he was
succeeded by Louis Philippe, duc d'Orléans.
William Gifford (1756-1826)
Poet, scholar, and editor who began as a shoemaker's apprentice; after Oxford he
The Baviad (1794),
The Maeviad
(1795), and
The Satires of Juvenal translated (1802) before becoming
the founding editor of the
Quarterly Review (1809-24).
Richard Heber (1774-1833)
English book collector, he was the elder half-brother of the poet Reginald Heber and the
friend of Walter Scott: member of the Roxburghe Club and MP for Oxford 1821-1826.
Louis XVIII, king of France (1755-1824)
Brother of the executed Louis XVI; he was placed on the French throne in 1814 following
the abdication of Napoleon.
John Murray II (1778-1843)
The second John Murray began the
Quarterly Review in 1809 and
published works by Scott, Byron, Austen, Crabbe, and other literary notables.
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
Richard Wellesley, first marquess Wellesley (1760-1842)
The son of Garret Wesley (1735-1781) and elder brother of the Duke of Wellington; he was
Whig MP, Governor-general of Bengal (1797-1805), Foreign Secretary (1809-12), and
Lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1821-28); he was created Marquess Wellesley in 1799.
The Quarterly Review. (1809-1967). Published by John Murray, the
Quarterly was instigated by Walter
Scott as a Tory rival to the
Edinburgh Review. It was edited by
William Gifford to 1824, and by John Gibson Lockhart from 1826 to 1853.