“It was as you supposed.—I detained your manuscript to
read it over with Terry. The plot
appears to Terry as to me ill-combined, which is a great
defect in a drama, though less perceptible in the closet than on the stage.
Still if the mind can be kept upon one unbroken course of interest, the effect
even in perusal is more gra-
“I am glad you are about Scottish song. No man—not Robert Burns himself—has contributed more beautiful effusions to enrich it. Here and there I would pluck a flower from your Posy to give what remains an effect of greater simplicity, but luxuriance can only be the fault of genius, and many of your songs are, I think, unmatched. I would instance—“It’s hame and it’s hame,” which my daughter Mrs Lockhart sings with such uncommon effect. You cannot do any thing either in the way of original composition, or collection, or criticism, that will not be highly acceptable to all who are worth pleasing in the Scottish public—and I pray you to proceed with it.
“Remember me kindly to Chantrey. I am happy my effigy is to go with that of Wordsworth*, for (differing from him in very many points of taste) I do not know a man more to be venerated for uprightness of heart and loftiness of genius. Why he will sometimes choose to crawl upon all fours, when God has given him so noble a countenance to lift to heaven, I am as little able to ac-
* Mr Cunningham had told Scott that Chantrey’s bust of Wordsworth (another of his noblest works) was also to be produced at the Royal Academy’s Exhibition for 1821. |
NOVEMBER, 1820. | 41 |
“I am obliged to conclude hastily, having long letters to write—God wot upon very different subjects. I pray my kind respects to Mrs Chantrey.—Believe me, dear Allan, very truly yours, &c.,