“Accept my kind thanks for your little modest volume, received two
days since. I was acquainted with
“The unities of time and place have always appeared to
me fopperies, as far as they require close observance of the French rules.
Still, the nearer you can come to them, it is always, no doubt, the better,
because your action will be more probable. But the unity of action—I mean that
continuity which unites every scene with the other, and makes the catastrophe
the natural and probable result of all that has gone before—seems to me a
critical rule which cannot safely be dispensed with. Without such a regular
deduction of incident men’s attention becomes distracted, and the most
beautiful language, if at all listened to, creates no interest, and is out of
place. I would give, as an example, the sud-
“I am very much unaccustomed to offer criticism, and when I do so, it is because I believe in my soul that I am endeavouring to pluck away the weeds which hide flowers well worthy of cultivation. In your case the richness of your language, and fertility of your imagination, are the snares against which I would warn you. If the one had been poor, and the other costive, I would never have made remarks which could never do good, while they only gave pain. Did you ever read Savage’s beautiful poem of the Wanderer? If not, do so, and you will see the fault which, I think, attaches to Lord Maxwell—a want of distinct precision and intelligibility about the story, which counteracts, especially with ordinary readers, the effect of beautiful and forcible diction, poetical imagery, and animated description.
“All this freedom you will excuse, I know, on the part of one who has the truest respect for the manly independence of character which rests for its support on honest industry, instead of indulging the foolish fastidiousness formerly supposed to be essential to the poetical temperament, and which has induced some men of real talents to become coxcombs—some to become sots—some to plunge themselves into want—others into the equal miseries of dependence, merely because, forsooth, they were men of genius, and wise above the ordinary and, I say, the manly duties of human life.
‘I’d rather be a kitten, and cry,
Mew!’ |
“When there is any chance of Mr Chantrey coming this way, I hope you will let me know; and if you come with him, so much the better. I like him as much for his manners as for his genius.
‘He is a man without a clagg; His heart is frank without a flaw.’ |
“This is a horrible long letter for so vile a correspondent as I am. Once more, my best thanks for the little volume, and believe me yours truly,