“The King has commanded me to acquaint you, that he cannot bid adieu to Scotland without conveying to you individually his warm personal acknowledgments for the deep interest you have taken in every ceremony and arrangement connected with his Majesty’s visit, and for your ample contributions to their complete success.
“His Majesty well knows how many difficulties have been smoothed, and how much has been effected by your unremitting activity, by your knowledge of your countrymen, and by the just estimation in which they hold you.
“The King wishes to make you the channel of conveying
to the Highland chiefs and their followers, who have given to the varied scene
which we have witnessed so peculiar and romantic a character, his particular
thanks for their attendance, and his warm approbation of their uniform
deportment. He does justice to the ardent spirit of loyalty by which they are
animated, and is convinced that he could offer no recompense for their services
so gratifying to them as the assurance, which
“I have the honour to-be, my dear Sir, with great truth, most truly and faithfully yours,