Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to Daniel Terry, 5 October 1822
“Abbotsford, October 5, 1822.
“I have been ‘a vixen and a
griffin,’ as Mrs Jenkins says,
for many days in plain truth, very much out of heart. I know you will
sympathize particularly with me on the loss of our excellent friend W. Erskine, who fell a victim to a hellishly
false story which was widely circulated concerning him, or rather I should say
to the sensibility of his own nature, which could not endure even the shadow of
reproach—like the ermine, which is said to pine to death if its fur is soiled.
And now Hay Donaldson* has followed him,
an excellent man, who long
* Mr Hay
Donaldson drew up an affecting sketch of his friend
Lord Kinnedder’s Life
and Character, to which Scott made
some additions, and which was printed, but not, I think, for public
circulation. He died shortly afterwards, on the 30th of September,
1822. |
managed my family affairs with the greatest accuracy and
kindness. The last three or four years have swept away more than half the
friends with whom I lived in habits of great intimacy—the poor Duke, Jocund
Johnnie, Lord Somerville,
the Boswells, and now this new deprivation. So it must be with us “When ance life’s day draws near the gloamin,”*—
and yet we proceed with our plantations and plans as if any tree but the
sad cypress would accompany us to the grave, where our friends have gone before
us. It is the way of the world, however, and must be so, otherwise life would
be spent in unavailing mourning for those whom we have lost. It is better to
enjoy the society of those who remain to us. I am heartily glad, my dear
Terry, that you have carried through
your engagement so triumphantly, and that your professional talents are at
length so far appreciated as to place you in the first rank in point of
emolument as in point of reputation. Your talents, too, are of a kind that will
wear well, and health permitting, hold out to you a
long course of honourable exertion; you should begin to make a little nest-egg
as soon as you can; the first little hoard which a man can make of his earnings
is the foundation-stone of comfort and independence—so says one who has found
it difficult to practise the lesson he offers you. We are getting on here in
the old style. The new castle is now roofing, and looks superb; in fact a
little too good for the estate, but we must work the harder to make the land
suitable. The library is a superb room, but after all I fear the shelves ought
not to be less than ten or twelve feet high; I had quite decided for nine feet,
but on an exacter measurement this will not accommodate fully the books I
have now in hand, and leaves no room
for future purchases. Pray is there not a tolerable book on upholstery—I mean
plans for tables, chairs, commodes, and such like? If so, I would be much
obliged to you to get me a copy, and send it under Freeling’s cover. When you can pick up a few odd books
for me, especially dramatic, you will do me a great kindness, and I will remit
the blunt immediately. I wish to know what the Montrose sword cost, that I may send the gratility. I must look about for a mirror for the drawing-room, large
enough to look well between the windows. Beneath, I mean to place the antique
mosaic slab which Constable has given
me, about four feet and a half in length. I am puzzled about framing it.
Another anxious subject with me is fitting up the little oratory—I have three
thick planks of West Indian cedar, which, exchanged with black oak, would, I
think, make a fine thing. I wish you had seen the King’s visit here; it was very grand; in fact, in moral
grandeur it was beyond any thing I ever witnessed, for the hearts of the
poorest as well as the greatest were completely merged in the business.
William Murray behaved excellently,
and was most useful. I worked like a horse, and had almost paid dear for it,
for it was only a sudden and violent eruption that saved me from a dangerous
illness. I believe it was distress of mind, suppressed as much as I could, and
mingling with the fatigue: certainly I was miserably ill, and am now only got
quite better. I wish to know how Mrs
Terry, and you, and my little Walter are; also little Miss. I hope, if I live so long, I may
be of use to the former; little misses are not so easily accommodated.—Pray
remember me to Mrs Terry. Write to me soon, and believe
me, always most truly yours,
John Ballantyne (1774-1821)
Edinburgh publisher and literary agent for Walter Scott; he was the younger brother of
the printer James Ballantyne.
Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Scottish poet and song collector; author of
Poems, chiefly in the
Scottish Dialect (1786).
Archibald Constable (1774-1827)
Edinburgh bookseller who published the
Edinburgh Review and works
of Sir Walter Scott; he went bankrupt in 1826.
Hay Donaldson (d. 1822)
Writer to the Signet; he was the third son of Hay Donaldson (d. 1802) and Walter Scott's
friend and confidential solicitor.
William Erskine, Lord Kinneder (1768-1822)
The son of an episcopal clergyman of the same name, he was a Scottish advocate and a
close friend and literary advisor to Sir Walter Scott.
Sir Francis Freeling, first baronet (1764-1836)
Postal reformer and member of the Roxburghe Club; he was secretary to the General Post
Office. He was a friend of William Jerdan and Sir Walter Scott.
William Henry Murray (1790-1852)
Actor and theater manager, the illegitimate son of the playwright Charles Murray; he
performed in Ediburgh adaptations of Walter Scott's novels.
John Somers, baron Somers (1651-1716)
Whig politician, member of the Kit-Kat Club, friend of Addison, Steele, and Swift; he was
lord chancellor (1697).
Daniel Terry (1789-1829)
English actor; after a career in provincial theater made his London debut in 1812. A
close friend of Walter Scott, he performed in theatrical adaptations of Scott's
Elizabeth Wemyss Terry [née Nasmyth] (1793-1862)
Painter and wife of Walter Scott's friend Daniel Terry; after the death of her first
husband she married the lexicographer Charles Richardson (1775-1865) in 1835.
Walter Scott Terry (1816-1842)
The son of the actor Daniel Terry; he was a lieutenant in the Bombay Artillery, mortally
wounded fighting at the Khyber Pass. Walter Scott was his godfather.