Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to J. B. S. Morritt of Rokeby, 3 August 1825
“Edgeworthstown, Aug. 3, 1825.
“Your kind letter, my dear Morritt, finds me sweltering under the hottest
weather I ever experienced, for the sake of seeing sights—of itself, you know,
the most feverish occupation in the world. Luckily we are free of Dublin, and
there is nothing around us but green fields and fine trees, ‘barring the
high-roads,’ which
make those who tread on them the most
complete pie-poudreux ever seen; that
is, if the old definition of pie-poudres be authentic, and if not, you may seek another
dusty simile for yourself it cannot exceed the reality. I have with me
Lockhart and Anne, Walter and his cara
sposa, for all whom the hospitality of Edgeworthstown has
found ample space and verge enough. Indeed it is impossible to conceive
the extent of this virtue in all classes; I don’t think even our Scottish
hospitality can match that of Ireland. Every thing seems to give way to the
desire to accommodate a stranger; and I really believe the story of the Irish
harper, who condemned his harp to the flames for want of fire-wood to cook a
guest’s supper. Their personal kindness to me has been so great, that
were it not from the chilling recollection that novelty is easily substituted
for merit, I should think, like the booby in Steele’s play, that I had been kept back, and that
there was something more about me than I had ever been led to suspect. As I am
L.L.D. of Trinity College, and am qualified as a Catholic seer, by having
mounted up into the bed of Saint Kevin, at the celebrated seven churches of
Glendalough, I am entitled to prescribe, ex
cathedrâ, for all the diseases of Ireland, as being
free both of the Catholic and Protestant parties. But the truth is, that
Pat, while the doctors were consulting,
has been gradually and securely recovering of himself. He is very loath to
admit this indeed; there being a strain of hypochondria in his complaints,
which will not permit him to believe he’s getting better. Nay, he gets
even angry when a physician, more blunt than polite, continues to assure him
that he is better than he supposes himself, and that much of his present
distress consists, partly of the recollection of former indisposition, partly
of the severe practice of modern empirics.
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“In sober sadness, to talk of the misery of Ireland
at this time, is to speak of the illness of a malade
imaginaire. Well she is not, but she is rapidly becoming
so. There are all the outward and visible tokens of convalescence. Every thing
is mending; the houses that arise are better a hundred-fold than the cabins
which are falling; the peasants of the younger class are dressed a great deal
better than with the rags which clothe the persons of the more ancient Teagues,
which realize the wardrobe of Jenny Sutton,
of whom Morris sweetly sings,
‘One single pin at night let loose. The robes which veiled her beauty.’ |
I am sure I have seen with apprehension a single button perform the same
feat, and when this mad scare-crow hath girded up his loins to run hastily by
the side of the chaise, I have feared it would give way, and that there, as
King Lear’s fool says, we should
be all shamed. But this, which seems once to have generally been the attire of
the fair of the Green Isle, probably since the time of King Malachi and the collar of gold, is now fast disappearing,
and the habit of the more youthful Pats and Patesses is decent and comely. Here they all look well coloured, and well fed, and well
contented. And as I see in most places great exertions making to reclaim bogs
upon a large scale, and generally to improve ground, I must needs hold that
they are in constant employment.
“With all this there is much that remains to be
amended, and which time and increase of capital only can amend. The price of
labour is far too low, and this naturally reduces the labouring poor beyond
their just level in society. The behaviour of the gentry in general to the
labourers is systematically harsh, and this arrogance is received with a
servile deference which argues any thing ![]()
excepting affection. This, however, is also in the
course of amending. I have heard a great deal of the far-famed Catholic
Question from both sides, and I think I see its bearings better than I did; but
these are for your ear when we meet—as meet we shall—if no accident prevent it.
I return via Holyhead, as I wish to show Anne something of England, and you may believe
that we shall take Rokeby in our way. To-morrow I go to Killarney, which will
occupy most part of the week. About Saturday I shall be back at Dublin to take
leave of friends; and then for England, ho! I will, avoiding London, seek a
pleasant route to Rokeby. Fate will only allow us to rest there for a day or
two, because I have some desire to see Canning, who is to be on the Lakes about that time.
Et finis. My leave will be
exhausted. Anne and Lockhart send kindest compliments to you and the ladies. I am
truly rejoiced that Mrs John Morritt is
better. Indeed, I had learned that agreeable intelligence from Lady Louisa Stuart. I found Walter and his wife living happily and
rationally, affectionately and prudently. There is great good sense and
quietness about all Jane’s
domestic arrangements, and she plays the leaguer’s lady very prettily.—I
will write again when I reach Britain, and remain ever yours,
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Charles Augustus Ellis, second baron Seaford (1799-1868)
The son of Charles Rose Ellis; after education at Eton and military he was service
under-secretary of state for foreign affairs under Canning (1824-26) and a career
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
John Morritt (1802-1827)
The nephew of John Bacon Sawrey Morritt of Rokeby; as a boy he a favorite pupil of Anne
Grant of Laggan; he afterwards studied at Winchester and served in the army before his
early death from consumption.
Charles Morris (1745-1838)
English singer and songwriter; he was laureate to the Sublime Society of Beef Steaks, in
which capacity he came to know the Prince of Wales.
Anne Scott (1803-1833)
Walter Scott's younger daughter who cared for him in his old age and died
Lady Jane Scott [née Jobson] (1801 c.-1877)
The daughter of William Jobson of Lochore; in 1825 she married Sir Walter Scott's eldest
son, Walter.
Sir Walter Scott, second baronet (1801-1847)
The elder son and heir of Sir Walter Scott; he was cornet in the 18th Hussars (1816),
captain (1825), lieut.-col. (1839). In the words of Maria Edgeworth, he was
“excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary.”
Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729)
English playwright and essayist, who conducted
The Tatler, and
(with Joseph Addison)
The Spectator and
Lady Louisa Stuart (1757-1851)
The youngest child of John Stuart, third earl of Bute; she corresponded with Sir Walter
Scott. Several volumes of her writings and memoirs were published after her death.