Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to J. B. S. Morritt of Rokeby, 10 June 1827
“Edinburgh, June 10, 1327.
“Napoleon has been an absolute millstone about my neck, not
permitting me for many a long day to think my own thoughts, to work my own
work, or to write my own letters—which last clause of prohibition has rendered
me thus long your debtor. I am now finished—valeat
quod valere potest—and as usual not very anxious about
the opinion of the public, as I have never been able to see that such anxiety
has any effect in mollifying the minds of the readers, while it renders that of
the author very uncomfortable—so vogue la
“How are you, as a moderate pro-Catholic, satisfied
with this strange alliance in the Cabinet? I own I look upon it with doubt at
best, and with apprehensions. At the same time I cannot approve of the late
Ministers leaving the King’s councils in such a hurry. They could hardly
suppose that Canning’s fame,
talent, and firm disposition would be satisfied with less than the condition of
Premier, and such being the case— ![]()
‘To fly the boar before the boar pursued, Was to incense the boar to follow them.’* |
On the other hand, his allying himself so closely and so hastily with the
party against whom he had maintained war from youth to age seems to me, at this
distance, to argue one of two things;—either that the Minister has been
hoodwinked by ambition and anger—that he looks upon the attachment of those
gentlemen to the opinions which he has always opposed as so slight,
unsubstantial, and unreal, that they will not insist upon them, or any of them,
provided they are gratified personally with a certain portion of the benefits
of place and revenue. Now, not being disposed to think over well of the Whigs,
I cannot suppose that a large class of British statesmen, not deficient
certainly in talents, can be willing to renounce all the political maxims and
measures which they have been insisting upon for thirty years, merely to become
placeholders under Canning. The supposition is too
profligate. But then if they come in the same Whigs we have known them, where,
how, or when are they to execute their favourite notions of Reform of
Parliament? and what sort of amendments will they be which are to be brought
forward when the proper time comes? or how is Canning to
conduct himself when the Saxons, whom he has called in for his assistance, draw
out to fight for a share of the power which they have assisted him to obtain?
When such strange and unwonted bedfellows are packed up together, will they not
kick and struggle for the better share of the coverlid and blankets? Perhaps
you will say that I look gloomily on all this, and have forgotten the way of
the world, which sooner or later shows that the principles of statesmen are
regulated by their advance towards; or retreat from
power; and that from men who
are always acting upon the emergencies of the moment, it is in vain to expect
consistency. Perfect consistency, I agree, we cannot look for—it is
inconsistent with humanity. But that gross inconsistency which induces men to
clasp to their bosom the man whom they most hated, and to hold up to admiration
the principles which they have most forcibly opposed, may gain a temporary
triumph, but will never found a strong Ministry or a settled Government. My old
friend Canning, with his talents and oratory, ought not, I
think, to have leagued himself with any party, but might have awaited, well
assured that the general voice must have carried him into full possession of
power. I am sorry he has acted otherwise, and argue no good from it, though
when or how the evil is to come I cannot pretend to say.
“My best compliments wait on your fireside. I
conclude you see Lady Louisa Stuart very
often, which is a happiness to be envied. . . . . .
Ever yours, most kindly,
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Lady Louisa Stuart (1757-1851)
The youngest child of John Stuart, third earl of Bute; she corresponded with Sir Walter
Scott. Several volumes of her writings and memoirs were published after her death.