Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to Maria Edgeworth, 4 February 1829
“Edinburgh, Feb. 4, 1829.
“I have had your letter several days, and only
answer just now, not, you may believe, from want of interest in the contents,
but from the odd circumstance of being so much afflicted with chilblains in the
fingers, that my pen scrambles every way but the right one. Assuredly I should
receive the character of the most crabbed fellow from those modern sages who
judge of a man from his handwriting. But as an old man becomes a child, I must
expect, I suppose, measles and smallpox. I only wish I could get a fresh set of
teeth. To tell you the truth, I feel the advance of age more than I like,
though my general health is excellent; but I am not able to walk as I did, and
I fear I could not now visit St Kevin’s Bed. This is a great affliction
to one who has been so active as I have been, in spite of all disadvantages. I
must now have a friendly arm, instead of relying on my own exertions; and it is
sad to think I shall be worse before I am better. However, the mild weather may
help me in some degree, and the worst is a quiet pony (I used to detest a quiet
pony), or perhaps a garden-chair. All this does not prevent my sincere sympathy
in the increase of happiness, which I hope Miss
Fanny’s marriage will afford to herself, and you, and all
who love her. I have not had the same opportunity to know her merits as those
of my friends Mrs Butler and Mrs Fox; but I saw enough of her (being your
sister) when at Dublin, to feel most sincerely interested in a young person
whose exterior is so amiable. ![]()
In Mr
Wilson you describe the national character of John Bull, who is not the worst of the three
nations, though he has not the quick feeling and rich humour of your
countrymen, nor the shrewd sagacity, or the romantic spirit of thinking and
adventuring which the Scotch often conceal under their apparent coldness, and
which you have so well painted in the M’Leod of your Ennui. Depend upon it, I shall find Russell Square when I go to
London, were I to have a voyage of discovery to make it out; and it will be
Mr Wilson’s fault if we do not make an intimate
“I had the pleasure of receiving, last autumn, your
American friend Miss Douglas, who seems
a most ingenious person; and I hope I succeeded in making her happy during her
short visit at Abbotsford; for I was compelled to leave her to pay suit and
service at the Circuit. The mention of the Circuit brings me to the horrors
which you have so well described, and which resemble nothing so much as a wild
dream. Certainly I thought, like you, that the public alarm was but an
exaggeration of vulgar rumour; but the tragedy is too true, and I look in vain
for a remedy of the evils, in which it is easy to see this black and unnatural
business has found its origin. The principal source certainly lies in the
feelings of attachment which the Scotch have for their deceased friends. They
are curious in the choice of their sepulchre, and a common shepherd is often,
at whatever ruinous expense to his family, transported many miles to some
favourite place of burial which has been occupied by his fathers. It follows,
of course, that any interference with these remains is considered with most
utter horror and indignation. To such of their superiors as they love from
clanship or habits of dependance, they attach the same feeling. I experienced
it when I had a great domestic loss; for I ![]()
afterwards that the cemetery was guarded, out of good will, by the servants and
dependants who had been attached to her during life; and were I to be laid
beside my lost companion just now, I have no doubt it would be long before my
humble friends would discontinue the same watch over my remains, and that it
would incur mortal risk to approach them with the purpose of violation. This is
a kind and virtuous principle, in which every one so far partakes, that,
although an unprejudiced person would have no objection to the idea of his own
remains undergoing dissection, if their being exposed to scientific research
could be of the least service to humanity, yet we all shudder at the notion of
any who had been dear to us, especially a wife or sister, being subjected to a
scalpel among a gazing and unfeeling crowd of students. One would fight and die
to prevent it. This current of feeling is encouraged by the law which, as
distinguishing murderers and other atrocious criminals, orders that their
bodies shall be given for public dissection. This makes it almost impossible to
consign the bodies of those who die in the public hospitals to the same fate;
for it would be inflicting on poverty the penalty which, wisely or unwisely,
the law of the country has denounced against guilt of the highest degree; and
it would assuredly deprive all who have a remaining spark of feeling or shame,
of the benefit of those consolations of charity of which they are the best
objects. If the prejudice be not very liberal, it is surely natural, and so
deeply-seated, that many of the best feelings must be destroyed ere it can be
eradicated. What then remains? The only chance I see is to permit importation
from other countries. If a subject can be had in Paris for ten or twenty
francs, it will surely pay the importer who brings it to Scotland. Something
must be ![]()
done, for there is
an end of the Cantabit vacuus,* the
last prerogative of beggary, which entitled him to laugh at the risk of
robbery. The veriest wretch in the highway may be better booty than a person of
consideration, since the last may have but a few shillings in his pocket, and
the beggar, being once dead, is worth ten pounds to his murderer.
“The great number of the lower Irish which have come
over here since the peace, is, like all important occurrences, attended with
its own share of good and evil. It must relieve Ireland in part of the excess
of population, which is one of its greatest evils, and it accommodates Scotland
with a race of hardy and indefatigable labourers, without which it would be
impossible to carry on the very expensive improvements which have been
executed. Our canals, our railroads, and our various public works are all
wrought by Irish. I have often employed them myself at burning clay, and
similar operations, and have found them as labourers quiet and tractable,
light-spirited, too, and happy to a degree beyond belief, and in no degree
quarrelsome, keep whisky from them and them from whisky. But most unhappily for
all parties they work at far too low a rate; at a rate, in short, which can but
just procure salt and potatoes; they become reckless, of course, of all the
comforts and decencies of life, which they have no means of procuring. Extreme
poverty brings ignorance and vice, and these are the mothers of crime. If
Ireland were to submit to some kind of poor-rate—I do not mean that of
England—but something that should secure to the indigent their natural share of
the fruits of the earth, and enable them at least to feed while others are
feasting—it would, I cannot doubt, raise the character of the lower orders, and
deprive them of that recklessness of
* Cantabit vacuus coram
latrone viator.—Juvenal. |
futurity which leads them to think only of the present.
Indeed, where intoxication of the lower ranks is mentioned as a vice, we must
allow the temptation is well-nigh inevitable; meat, clothes, fire, all that men
can and do want are supplied by a drop of whisky, and no one should be
surprised that the relief (too often the only one within the wretches’
power) is eagerly grasped at.
“We pay back, I suspect, the inconveniencies we
receive from the character of our Irish importation, by sending you a set of
half-educated, cold-hearted Scotchmen to be agents and middle-men. Among them,
too, there are good and excellent characters, yet I can conceive they often
mislead their employers. I am no great believer in the extreme degree of
improvement to be derived from the advancement of science; for every study of
that nature tends, when pushed to a certain extent, to harden the heart, and
render the philosopher reckless of every thing save the objects of his own
pursuit; all equilibrium in the character is destroyed, and the visual force of
the understanding is perverted by being fixed on one object exclusively. Thus
we see theological sects (although inculcating the moral doctrines) are
eternally placing man’s zeal in opposition to them; and even in the
practice of the bar, it is astonishing how we become callous to right and
wrong, when the question is to gain or lose a cause. I have myself often
wondered how I became so indifferent to the horrors of a criminal trial, if it
involved a point of law. In like manner, the pursuit of physiology inflicts
tortures on the lower animals of creation, and at length comes to rub shoulders
against the West Port. The state of high civilisation to which we have arrived,
is perhaps scarcely a national blessing, since, while the few are improved to the highest point, the many are in proportion tantalized ![]()
and degraded, and the same nation displays
at the same time the very highest and the very lowest state in which the human
race can exist in point of intellect. Here is a doctor
who is able to take down the whole clock-work of the human frame, and may in
time find some way of repairing and putting it together again; and there is Burke
with the body of his murdered countrywoman on his back, and her blood on his
hands, asking his price from the learned carcass-butcher. After all, the golden
age was the period for general happiness, when the earth gave its stores
without labour, and the people existed only in the numbers which it could
easily subsist; but this was too good to last. As our numbers grew our wants
multiplied, and here we are contending with increasing difficulties by the
force of repeated inventions. Whether we shall at last eat each other, as of
yore, or whether the earth will get a flap with a comet’s tail first, who
but the reverend Mr Irving will venture
to pronounce?
“Now here is a fearful long letter, and the next
thing is to send it under Lord Francis
Gower’s omnipotent frank.* Anne sends best compliments; she says she had the honour to
despatch her congratulations to you already. Walter and his little wife are at Nice; he is now major of his
regiment, which is rapid advancement, and so has gone abroad to see the world.
Lockhart has been here for a week or
two, but is now gone for England. I suspect he is at this moment stopped by the
snow-storm, and solacing himself with a cigar somewhere in Northumberland; that
is all the news that can interest you. Dr and Mrs Brewster are
rather getting over their heavy loss, but it is still too visible on their
brows, and that broad river lying daily before them is a
sad remembrancer. I saw a brother of yours on a visit at
Allerley;* he dined with us one day and promised to come and see us next
summer, which I hope he will make good.—My pen has been declaring itself
independent this last half hour, which is the more unnatural, as it is engaged
in writing to its former mistress.†—Ever yours affectionately.
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868)
Scottish natural philosopher and editor of the
Encyclopaedia (1807-1830). He contributed to the
Gazette and invented the kaleidoscope.
Lady Juliet Brewster [née Macpherson] (1776 c.-1850)
The daughter of the poet and translator James Macpherson (1736-96)—one of his five
illegitimate children; in 1810 she became the first wife of the natural philosopher David
William Burke (1792-1829)
Irish-born cobbler who with his accomplice William Hare murdered Edinburgh paupers and
sold their bodies for dissection.
Harriet Butler [née Edgeworth] (1801-1889)
The daughter of Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Frances Ann Beaufort; in 1826 she married
the Rev. Richard Butler, dean of Clonmacnoise.
Harriet Cruger [née Douglas] (1790-1872)
Of Gelston Castle in New York, the daughter of George Douglas; in 1833 she married Henry
Cruger (1800-72). She was an acquaintance of Maria Edgeworth.
Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849)
Irish novelist; author of
Castle Rackrent (1800)
Belinda (1801),
The Absentee (1812) and
Ormond (1817).
Francis Egerton, first earl of Ellesmere (1800-1857)
Poet, statesman, and Tory MP; a younger son the second marquess of Stafford, he was
educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, was chief secretary for Ireland (1828-30), and
translated Goethe and Schiller and contributed articles to the
Sophia Fox [née Edgeworth] (1803-1837)
The daughter of Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Frances Ann Beaufort; in 1824 she married
Captain Barry Fox (1789-1863) of the 97th Foot.
Edward Irving (1792-1834)
Popular Presbyterian preacher in London; he was a friend of Coleridge and author of
The Oracles of God and the Judgement to Come (1823).
Juvenal (110 AD fl.)
Roman satirist noted, in contrast to Horace, for his angry manner.
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
Anne Scott (1803-1833)
Walter Scott's younger daughter who cared for him in his old age and died
Sir Walter Scott, second baronet (1801-1847)
The elder son and heir of Sir Walter Scott; he was cornet in the 18th Hussars (1816),
captain (1825), lieut.-col. (1839). In the words of Maria Edgeworth, he was
“excessively shy, very handsome, not at all literary.”
Frances Wilson [née Edgeworth] (1799-1848)
The daughter of Richard Lovell Edgeworth and Frances Ann Beaufort; in 1829 she married
Lestock Peach Wilson (1788-1869), director of the London Assurance Corporation.
Lestock Peach Wilson (d. 1869)
Of The Grove, Epping, son of Captain Lestock Wilson (d. 1821); he was a member of the
Mercer's Company and brother-in-law of Maria Edgeworth and Sir Francis Beaufort.