Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Sir Walter Scott to Robert Cadell, 12 December 1830
“Abbotsford, 12th Dec., 1830.
“My dear Sir,
“I am much obliged for your kind letter, and have
taken a more full review of the whole affair than I was
able to do at first. There were many circumstances in
the matter which you and J. B. could not
be aware of, and which, if you were aware of, might have influenced your
judgment, which had, and yet have a most powerful effect upon mine. The deaths
of both my father and mother have been preceded by a paralytic shock. My father
survived it for nearly two years, a melancholy respite, and not to be desired.
I was alarmed with Miss Young’s morning visit, when,
as you know, I lost my speech. The medical people said it was from the stomach,
which might be; but while there is a doubt on a point so alarming, you will not
wonder that the subject, or, to use Hare’s lingo, the shot, should be a little anxious. I restricted all my
creature comforts, which were never excessive, within a single cigar and a
small wine-glass of spirits per day. But one night last month, when I had a
friend with me, I had a slight vertigo when going to bed, and fell down in my
dressing-room, though but for one instant. Upon this I wrote to Dr Abercromby, and in consequence of his
advice, I have restricted myself yet farther, and have cut off the cigar, and
almost half of the mountain-dew. Now, in the midst of all this, I began my work
with as much attention as I could; and having taken pains with my story, I find
it is not relished, nor indeed tolerated by those who have no interest in
condemning it, but a strong interest in putting even a face upon their
consciences. Was not this, in the circumstances, a damper to an invalid,
already afraid that the sharp edge might be taken off his intellect, though he
was not himself sensible of that? and did it not seem, of course, that nature
was rather calling for repose than for further efforts in a very exciting and
feverish style of composition? It would have been the height of injustice and
cruelty to impute want ![]()
of friendship
or sympathy to J. B.’s discharge of a doubtful, and
I am sensible, a perilous task. True ——‘The first bringer of unwelcome news, Hath but a losing office’—* |
and it is a failing in the temper of the most equal-minded men, that we
find them liable to be less pleased with the tidings that they have fallen
short of their aim than if they had been told they had hit the mark; but I
never had the least thought of blaming him, and indeed my confidence in his
judgment is the most forcible part of the whole affair. It is the consciousness
of his sincerity which makes me doubt whether I can proceed with the County Paris. I am most anxious to
do justice to all concerned, and yet, for the soul of me, I cannot see what is
likely to turn out for the best. I might attempt the Perilous Castle of
Douglas, but I fear the subject is too much used, and
that I might again fail in it. Then being idle will never do, for a thousand
reasons; all this I am thinking of till I am half sick. I wish
James, who gives such stout advice when he thinks we
are wrong, would tell us how to put things right. One is tempted to cry,
‘Wo worth thee! is there no help in thee?’ Perhaps it
may be better to take no resolution till we all meet together.
“I certainly am quite decided to fulfil all my
engagements, and, so far as I can, discharge the part of an honest man, and if
any thing can be done mean-time for the Magnum, I
shall be glad to do it.
“I trust James and you will get afloat next Saturday. You will think me
like Murray in the farce ‘I eat
well, drink well, and sleep well, but that’s all, Tom, that’s all.’† We
will wear the thing through one way
or other if we were once afloat, but you see all this is
a scrape. Yours truly,
John Abercrombie (1780-1844)
Educated at Marischal College and Edinburgh University, he was king's physician for
Scotland and Edinburgh's leading practitioner.
James Ballantyne (1772-1833)
Edinburgh printer in partnership with his younger brother John; the company failed in the
financial collapse of 1826.
William Hare (1792 c.-1829 fl.)
With his accomplice William Burke he murdered Edinburgh paupers and sold their bodies for
dissection; he was released after turning king's evidence.