Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
Vol. VII Contents.
London, February 10, 1838.
In dismissing the last volume of this Work I have to
apologize for some mistakes, which shall be corrected in the text, should it reach a
second edition. I notice such as have been pointed out to me, but I am afraid very many
more might be detected on a careful revision, and I shall be thankful for any
suggestions on this head.
I find, from the evidence of documents kindly forwarded to me by my
friend, Dr Macfarlane, Principal of the
University of Glasgow, that the cause of the minister, M’Naught, in which Sir Walter
Scott made his first appearance at the bar of the General Assembly of
the Church of Scotland, was heard in May 1793, not 1795.
It appears, that another person alluded to in connexion with his
early practice as a barrister, Mr Knox, killed accidentally in
July, 1795, was not door-keeper to the Faculty of Advocates, but
bar-keeper to the Court of ![]()
Session. These situations are not, it seems, held by individuals of exactly the same
rank in society; and a relation of the bar-keeper has favoured me with a conspectus of
his pedigree; which, however, I do not think it necessary to insert here.
I have received a letter from Kelso, complaining sharply of an
extract from Sir Walter’s MSS., in which (vol.
I. p. 119) a lady, known to him in his youth, is described as having been seen by him
afterwards in the situation of governess to a manufacturer’s children in Paisley.
For this mistake, if it was one, I cannot account.
I have been informed of my error in stating (vol. II. p. 2) that
Francis, the eighth Lord Napier, had been a
lord of the bedchamber. I had confounded him, it seems, with the late Earl of Morton, who succeeded him as Commissioner to the
General Assembly. It also has been communicated to me, by more than one correspondent,
that I must have relied too much on my own very early recollections, in mixing
Lord Napier’s name with a little story told in a note on
the same page. It is said by an ancient gentlewoman, to whose accuracy I bow, that the
real hero of that anecdote was another gentleman of the same name.
I regret having introduced (vol. II. p. 11) Mr Archi-![]()
bald Park,
brother of the African traveller, as being a
Sheriff’s Officer of Selkirkshire; whereas, at the time when he gave Scott assistance in seizing a criminal, he was the tenant
of an extensive farm on the Buccleuch estate, and had accidentally
been riding with the Sheriff.—I am also sorry to find that the Scotch Judge, who so
unfeelingly condemned an old acquaintance to death (vol. III. p. 342), was not
Lord Braxfield, as stated by me, but a still
more distinguished, or at least, celebrated person, “his yoke-fellow of the
bench.” I can only say that, to the best of my recollection and belief,
Sir Walter always told the story of his early friend,
Lastly, The Honourable Colonel
Murray, who commanded the 18th hussars in 1821, assures me that the
dissolution of that corps had no connexion whatever with certain trivial irregularities
on which Sir Walter Scott gave advice and admonition
to his son the Cornet (vol. V., ch. 3.) I thought I had sufficiently conveyed my belief
that the rumours which reached Sir Walter, and called forth his
paternal remarks, were grossly exaggerated; but I shall make my statement clearer, in
case of the text being revised.
And now, as no other opportunity may be afforded me, I may as well
say a few words on some of the general criticisms with which these volumes have been
honoured while in the course of publication.
The criticisms have, of course, been contradictory on all points;
but more seem to agree in censuring the length of the book, than as to any other topic
either of blame or commendation. I suggest, in the first place, that if Scott really was a great man, and also a good man, his
life deserves to be given in much detail; and that the object being to bring out the
character, feelings, and manners of the man, this was likely to be effected better by
letting him speak for himself, whereever I could, than by any elaborate process of
distilling and concentrating the pith and essence into a formal continuous
essay;—because on the former plan, the reader is really treated as a judge, who has the
evidence led in his presence, in place of being presented merely with the statement of
the counsel, which he might have both inclination and reason to receive with distrust.
Let it be granted to me, that Scott belonged to the class of
first-rate men, and I may very safely ask—who would be sorry to possess a biography of
any such man of a former time in full and honest detail? If his greatness was a
delusion, I grant that these Memoirs are vastly too copious; but had I not been one of
those who consider it as a real substantial greatness, I should have been very
unwilling to spend time on any record of it whatever.
And yet, even though Scott
should not keep his high place in the estimation of future ages, it must always be
allowed that he held one of the first in that of his own age—not in his own country
alone, but all ![]()
over the civilized world; that he
mixed largely with the most eminent of his contemporaries, and observed keenly the
events of a critical period—a period of great deeds, and, above all, of great
changes;—and such being the case, I conceive it to be probable that, even supposing his
poetry and novels to be comparatively little read a hundred or two hundred years hence,
the student of history, and especially of manners, would not be sorry to have access to
him “in his habit as he lived.” For my own part, I certainly should
be exceedingly thankful if any one were to dig out of the dust of the Bodleian or the
British Museum a detailed life, however unambitiously compiled, of any clever
accomplished man who had access to the distinguished society of any interesting period
in our annals. Nay, they must have been very lofty philosophers, indeed, who did not
rejoice in the disinterring of Pepys’s Diary—the work of a vain, silly, transparent, coxcomb,
without either solid talents or solid virtues, but still one who had rare opportunities
of observation.
There is, however, one circumstance of very peculiar interest
which, I venture to say, always must attach to Sir Walter
Scott. Let him have been whatever else, he was admitted, by all the
Scotchmen of his time, to be the most faithful portrayer of the national character and
manners of his own country: and he was (as he says of his Croftangry) “a Borderer between two ages”—that in which the
Scotch still preserved the ancient impress of ![]()
feeling, demeanour, and dialect, and that when whatever stamped them a separate
distinct people was destined to be obliterated. The amalgamation of the sister
countries on all points has already advanced far, and will soon be completed.
I have also considered it as my duty to keep in view what Sir Walter’s own notions of biography were. He says,
in an early letter to Miss Seward (vol. I. p.
374), “Biography loses all its interest with me, when the shades and lights of
the principal character are not accurately and faithfully detailed. I can no more
sympathize with a mere eulogist than I can with a ranting hero on the stage; and it
unfortunately happens that some of our disrespect is apt, rather unjustly, to be
transferred to the subject of the panegyric in the one case, and to poor Cato in the other.” He has elsewhere smiled over
Queen Elizabeth’s famous admonition to
Zucchero, that she expected him to paint her
without any shadows on the face. Walker
flattered fine ladies, I daresay, as lavishly as Lawrence; but he knew Oliver
Cromwell too well either to omit his wart, or cover it with a
beauty-spot of court plaster. I despise—and Scott himself would
have despised—the notion of painting a great and masculine character unfaithfully—of
leaving out any thing essential to the preservation of the man as he was, which the
limner finds it in his power to represent. There will be at best enough of omissions.
Copy as you may, you can give neither life nor motion. ![]()
With such sentiments I find it difficult to understand how many biographies are
undertaken at all. It was my comfort and support in undertaking this, that I felt a
perfect conviction from the beginning, that I should best please those to whom
Scott’s memory is dearest, by placing the truth, and the
whole truth, before the reader. And, as far as regards them, I have not been
At the same time, I consider myself bound not to accept all the
praise which the openness of my revelations has brought me from some quarters, while
others have complained of it, and condemned it. A little reflection might have
suggested that the materials for the business part of Sir
Walter’s history could not be exclusively in the keeping of his
executors. Had I been capable of meditating to mock the world, for purposes of my own,
with an unfair and partial statement on that class of matters, I must have known that
this could not be done, without giving such an impression of other dead persons as must
necessarily induce their representatives to open their own cabinets for themselves.
Moreover, I should have thought it might have occurred to any one that
Scott and his associates in business lived and died in the
midst of a keen and closely observant small society; and that even if all their
executors had joined in a cunning attempt to disguise what really occurred, there are
many men still alive in Edinburgh who could have effectually exposed any such juggle.
As for the reclamations which have been put forth on the score that
I have wilfully distorted the character and conduct of other men, for the purpose of
raising Scott at their expense, I have already
expressed my regret that my sense of duty to his memory should have extorted from me
the particulars in question. If the complaining parties can produce documents to
overthrow my statements let them do so. But even then I should be entitled to ask, why
those documents were kept back from me? I can most safely say, that while I have
withheld many passages in Scott’s letters and diaries that
would have pained these gentlemen, I have scrupulously printed every line that bore
favourably on their predecessors. Indeed, I am not aware that I have suppressed any
thing, in the immense mass of MSS. at my disposal, which seemed to me likely to give
unmixed pleasure to any one individual or family with whom Sir Walter
Scott had any kind of connexion. I have been willing to gratify his
friends. I assuredly have not availed myself of his remains for the purpose of
gratifying any grudge or spleen of my own.
Life of Napoleon, and Chronicles of the
Canongate in progress—Reviewals of Mackenzie’s
Edition of Home, and of Hoffman’s
Tales—Rheumatic Attacks—Theatrical Fund Dinner—Avowal of the Sole Authorship of the
Waverley Novels—Letter from Goethe—Deaths of the Duke of
York—Mr Gifford—Sir George
Beaumont, &c.—Mr Canning Minister—Completion of
the Life of Buonaparte—Reminiscences of an
Amanuensis—Goethe’s Remarks on the Work—Its Pecuniary
December, 1826—June, 1827, 1
Excursion to St Andrews—Deaths of Lady Diana
Canning—Extract from Mr Adolphus’s
Memoranda—Affair of General Gourgaud—Letter to Mr
of Wellington’s Visit to Durham—Dinner in the
Castle—Sunderland—Ravensworth—Alnwick—Verses to Sir Cuthbert
Sharp—Affair of Abud and Co.—Publication of the Chronicles of the Canongate, Series First—And of the First
Tales of a Grandfather—Essay on Planting,
&c.—Miscellaneous Prose Works Collected—Sale of the Waverley Copyrights—Dividend to
June—December—1827, 45
The “Opus Magnum”—“Religious Discourses, by a Layman”—Letters to
George Huntly Gordon—Cadell—and
Ballantyne—Heath’s Keepsake,
&c.—Arniston—Dalhousie—Prisons—Dissolution of Yeomanry Cavalry—The Fair Maid of Perth published—
January—April, 1828,
Journey to London—Charlecote-Hall—Holland-House—Chiswick—Kensington Palace
T. Acland—Bishop Copplestone—Mrs
Arkwright—Lord Sidmouth—Lord
Alvanley—Northcote—Haydon—Chantrey and Cunningham—Anecdotes—Letters to
Mr Terry—Mrs Lockhart—and Sir
Alexander Wood—Death of Sir William Forbes—Reviews
of Hajji Baba in England, and
Davy’s Salmonia—Anne of Geierstein begun—Second Series of the Grandfather’s Tales published—
April—December, 1828, 122
Visit to Clydesdale—John Greenshields,
Sculptor—Letter to Lord Elgin—The Westport Murders—Execution of
Burke—Letter to Miss
Edgeworth—Ballantyne’s Hypochondria—Roman
Catholic Emancipation carried—Edinburgh Petition, &c.—Deaths of Lord
Buchan—Mr Terry—and Mr
Shortreed—Rev. Edward Irving—Anne of Geierstein published—Issue of the “Opus
Magnum” begun—Its success—Nervous Attack—Hæmorrhages—Reviewals on
Ancient Scottish History, and Pitcairn’s Trials—Third Series of Tales of a
Grandfather, and First Volume of the Scottish History in Lardner’s Cyclopædia published—Death and Epitaph of
Thomas Purdie—
1829, 160
Auchindrane, or the Ayrshire Tragedy—Second Volume of the
History of Scotland—Paralytic Seizure—Letters on Demonology, and Tales on the History of France begun—Poetry,
with Prefaces, published—Reviewal of Southey’s Life of Bunyan—Excursions to Culross and
Prestonpans—Resignation of the Clerkship of Session—Commission on the Stuart
Papers—Offers of a Pension and of the rank of Privy-Counsellor—Declined—Death of
George IV.—General Election—Speech at Jedburgh—Second
Attack—Demonology, and French History published—Arrival of King Charles
X. at Holyrood-House—Letter to Lady Louisa Stuart—
1830, 202
Winter at Abbotsford—Parliamentary Reform in Agitation—William
Laidlaw—John Nicolson—Mrs
Street—Fit of Apoplexy in November—Count Robert of
Paris—A Fourth Epistle of Malagrowther written and
suppressed—Unpleasant Discussions with Ballantyne and
Cadell—Novel resumed—Second Dividend to Creditors, and their
Gift of the Library, &c. at Abbotsford—Last Will executed in
Edinburgh—Fortune’s mechanism—Letter on Politics to the Hon. H. F.
Scott—Address for the County of Selkirk written and rejected by the
Freeholders—County Meeting at Jedburgh—Speech on Reform—Scott
insulted—Mr F. Grant’s Portrait—
October, 1830—April, 1831, 232
Apoplectic Paralysis—Miss Ferrier—Dr
Mackintosh Mackay—Scenes at Jedburgh and Selkirk—Castle Dangerous—Excursion to Douglasdale—Church of St Bride’s,
&c.—Turner’s Designs for the Poetry—Last Visits to
Smailholm—Bemerside—Ettrick, &c.—Visit of Captain
Burns—Mr Adolphus—and Mr
Wordsworth—“Yarrow Revisited,” and
Sonnet on the Eildons—
April—October, 1831, 277
Rokeby—London—Epitaph on Helen
Walker—Portsmouth—Voyage in the Barham—Graham’s Island—Letter to
Mr Skene—Malta—Notes by Mrs John Davy—
September—December 1831, 312
Residence at Naples—Excursions to Paestum, Pompeii, &c.—Last Attempts
in Romance—Sir William Gell’s Memoranda—
December, 1831—April, 1832, 340
Death of Goethe—Rome—Memoranda by Sir W.
Gell and
Mr Edward Cheney—Journey to Frankfort—The Rhine Steam-Boat—Fatal
Seizure at Nimeguen—Arrival in London—Jermyn Street—Edinburgh—Abbotsford—Death and
April—September, 1832, 361
List of Sir Walter Scott’s Publications,
Index of Proper Names,
Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658)
English general and statesman; fought with the parliamentary forces at the battles of
Edgehill (1642) and Marston Moor (1644); led expedition to Ireland (1649) and was named
Lord Protector (1653).
Sir Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830)
English portrait painter who succeeded Joshua Reynolds as painter in ordinary to the king
(1792); he was president of the Royal Academy (1820).
John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854)
Editor of the
Quarterly Review (1825-1853); son-in-law of Walter
Scott and author of the
Life of Scott 5 vols (1838).
John M'Naught (1733 c.-1808)
Scottish clergyman; he was minister of Balmaclellan in Kirkcudbright (1779), and
afterwards of Girthon (ejected 1793). Lockhart gets the date of his trial wrong in the
first edition of the
Life of Scott.
Duncan Macfarlan (1771-1857)
Educated at Glasgow University, he was minister of Glasgow Cathedral (1823) and principal
of Glasgow University (1823).
Robert MacQueen, Lord Braxfield (1722-1799)
Scottish judge; he was admitted to the Faculty in 1744 and was lord justice clerk, 1788.
He had a reputation as a “hanging judge.”
Sir Henry Murray (1784-1860)
Scottish military officer, son of David Murray, second Earl of Mansfield; he fought in
the Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns.
Francis Napier, eighth Lord Napier (1758-1823)
The son of William, seventh Lord Napier (1730-1775); he fought under Burgoyne in the
American War of Independence and was a Scottish representative peer and lord lieutenant of
Selkirkshire (1797).
Archibald Park (1770-1820)
Brother of the explorer Mungo Park; he was a farmer in Selkirk, collector of customs, and
associate of Walter Scott.
Mungo Park (1771-1806)
Scottish explorer who published
Travels in the interior Districts of
Africa (1799).
Anna Seward [the Swan of Lichfield] (1742-1809)
English poet, patron, and letter-writer; she was the center of a literary circle at
Lichfield. Her
Poetical Works, 3 vols (1810) were edited by Walter
Robert Walker (1610 c.-1658)
English portrait painter whose subjects included Oliver Cromwell and other parliamentary
Federico Zuccaro (1542 c.-1609)
Italian painter whose subjects included Queen Elizabeth, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Sir
Francis Walsingham.