The “Pope” of Holland House
John Allen to John Whishart, 19 August 1814
Paris, Aug. 19, 1814.
Dear Sir,—You will be glad to hear that we have
had a prosperous though slow journey, not having
1 Anne Seymour
Damer, 1749-1828, sculptress, daughter of Field-Marshal
Conway. She renounced her claim to Lord
Clinton’s estate, to which by law she was entitled.
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arrived here till the 10th. One day we were
forced to sleep at Abbeville, and half a day at Breteuil; and after our arrival
here Lady Holland was obliged to remain two
days at home in order to recover from the fatigues of her journey. But she is now
quite re-established, and about the middle of next week I hope we shall begin our
journey to Geneva.
Paris, as one had heard from all quarters, has certainly been
much embellished by Buonaparte, though,
unfortunately, much of what he had begun is not entirely finished, and considering
the character of his successors it is doubtful whether they will have spirit and
perseverance to execute the magnificent plan which he had formed, and in part
accomplished. There is a strong feeling of regret and attachment towards him among
the soldiery, but it does not seem to extend to persons of a better condition, and
from the accounts of many of his warmest partisans it is clear that long before he
had ceased to reign he had acquired all the faults inseparable from the exercise of
despotic authority. Success and adulation had completely turned his head. He could
not bear the slightest opposition to his will. He consulted with none but those who
approved all his plans. He had such an overweening conceit of his own powers that
when he had resolved on anything he imagined that every difficulty must give way
before him, and that his mere will was sufficient to overcome every obstacle. The
last campaign in Germany had worn out his constitution. From the time of his return
to France he was in a state of affaisement
physique. He ate, drank, and slept, and talked of what was to be
done and of what
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he would do; but he did nothing.
He had quite lost his former activity and attention to business. When the Allies
entered France they found his means of defence no further advanced than when he had
crossed the Rhine. No entreaty could prevail on him to make an appeal to his
people. When solicited to declare the country in danger, he replied,
“Non, jamais; je ne ferais ma cour à la
nation.” It was this obstinacy in his misfortunes to
reject everything that had an appearance of an appeal to popular sentiment that
finally alienated from him all the friends of liberty, and made them consider the
restoration of the Bourbons as a smaller evil than the government of a master so
deeply imbued with the maxims and feelings of despotism. At the same time he does
not appear to have been cruel, and the fear he inspired seems to have proceeded
rather from the outrageous violence of expression in which he frequently indulged
than from positive acts of violence and severity. They who know him well say that
his temper was naturally mild, and that he was overbearing, insolent, and impatient
on calculation, thinking that it was in that way only mankind could be governed.
But even they admit that he overacted his part, and made enemies unnecessarily by
insulting those around him beyond what human nature could bear. The restoration of
the Bourbons was certainly the work of Talleyrand. There was no party for them at Paris except a few
émigrés who owed their
restoration to their country to Buonaparte’s clemency.
The Emperor of Russia was himself
undetermined what to do when he entered Paris.
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The Slave Trade |
We have had a great deal of conversation here about the Slave
Trade. It is quite clear that the French have got the Slave Trade, because there
was nothing else the Allies could agree to give them. They had been promised
something more than they possessed before the Revolution. They wished for Nieuport
and Mons, but these, they were told, were military or naval positions. They next
applied for some territory on the Rhine which would extend their frontiers beyond
Landau, but this also they were refused, and an offer was made them for the whole
of Savoy. The King of France objected to Savoy,
as it was inconsistent with the general principle of restoring all parties engaged
in the war to the state in which they stood before 1792, to deprive the King of Sardinia of so considerable a part of his
dominions. “But what, then, are we to have in return for so many strong
places we are to give up?” “You shall have back your colonies.”
“But our principal colony of St. Domingo can be of no use to us without the
Slave Trade.” “Well, you shall have the Slave Trade for a certain
number of years in order to enable you to replenish it with negroes.” Such I
understand to have been the history of this negotiation. And at this moment I am
confident that Ministers may have that article of the Treaty abrogated when they
please, by procuring for France either something in Europe which will be considered
by French vanity as an equivalent, or by ceding some foreign possession which does
not require negroes for its cultivation. This you may safely state to your friends
in the African Association, that the Slave Trade may be abolished on the
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part of France to-morrow, provided you
will give them or procure for them what may be considered as an equivalent, and
from what I hear very little will satisfy them. They talk at present of the great
importance of the Slave Trade to France, because they have nothing else to say in
favour of the peace they have been compelled to make. Give them something else to
boast of, and they will join with you in abusing it as a trade disgraceful to
humanity, and most heartily assist you in compelling the Spaniards and Portuguese
to give it up.
On the subject of the Slave Trade, I have an application to make
to you, or another through you, to the African Association on the part of M. de Humboldt. In the course of his travels he
has collected many observations on the bad effects of Slavery and of the Slave
Trade, and in the present temper of France he is of opinion that he could say many
things with great effect on that subject in the history of his travels which he is
now publishing; but he is desirous of having all the information he can obtain
through England, and I have promised to him in consequence that I would write to
London to request that the reports of the African Association should be transmitted
to him. He wishes also to have a copy of Mr.
Brougham’s Act, and of the Act of the Assembly of Jamaica, by
which slaves can no longer be distrained like cattle for the debts of their
masters. I should be very much obliged if you could procure for him these and any
other printed papers, showing what has taken place on the coast of Africa or in our
colonies since the abolition. Direct them to the Baron de
Humboldt at
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Paris, to the
care of the English Ambassador there, as he is on very good terms both with
Sir Charles Stuart and with the Duke of Wellington. Lord
Holland means to write to Mr.
Macaulay or to Mr. Clarkson
to make the same request, but as it is possible he may not have time to do so, I
think it better to mention it to you, in order that it may be done without loss of
time. M. Humboldt is very zealous in the cause, and finding
him at the same time very anxious to have permission to travel through our East
Indian possessions in order to go to Thibet, I have assured him that nothing could
be of more use to him towards obtaining that permission from the India Company than
any service he could render the abolitionists, as Mr.
Grant and other leading members in the direction were zealous
partisans of the abolition. He is in very high estimation here, and anything he may
choose to say will have great weight in giving a salutary tone to public opinion in
France, which is at present not at all made up on this question. I trust,
therefore, the friends of the abolition will not from indolence or inattention
allow so good a card to slip from their hands. Mr.
Tierney and his family arrived here two days ago, Vernon is also here on his way to Italy. Lord and Lady
Jersey return to England by way of Brussels in the beginning of next
week. I trust we shall see Horner and
Murray either here or at Geneva. We must cross the Simplon
early in October.
Yours faithfully,
John Allen (1771-1843)
Scottish physician and intimate of Lord Holland; he contributed to the
Edinburgh Review and
Encyclopedia Britannica and published
Inquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in
England (1830). He was the avowed atheist of the Holland House set.
Henry Peter Brougham, first baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868)
Educated at Edinburgh University, he was a founder of the
Review in which he chastised Byron's
Hours of Idleness; he
defended Queen Caroline in her trial for adultery (1820), established the London University
(1828), and was appointed lord chancellor (1830).
Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846)
English abolitionist educated at St Paul's School and St John's, Cambridge; he was an
associate of William Wilberforce.
Anne Seymour Damer [née Conway] (1749-1828)
English sculptor, daughter of Field Marshall Conway; she was a friend of Admiral Nelson,
Horace Walpole, and Mary Berry.
Elizabeth Fox, Lady Holland [née Vassall] (1771 c.-1845)
In 1797 married Henry Richard Fox, Lord Holland, following her divorce from Sir Godfrey
Webster; as mistress of Holland House she became a pillar of Whig society.
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
Charles Grant (1746-1823)
Scottish philanthropist and director of the East India Company; he was Whig MP for
Inverness-shire (1804-18) and an opponent of the Duke of Wellington.
Francis Horner (1778-1817)
Scottish barrister and frequent contributor to the
Review; he was a Whig MP and member of the Holland House circle.
Louis XVIII, king of France (1755-1824)
Brother of the executed Louis XVI; he was placed on the French throne in 1814 following
the abdication of Napoleon.
Zachary Macaulay (1768-1838)
Writer, abolitionist, and father of Thomas Babington Macaulay; he edited the
Anti-Slavery Reporter.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Charles Stuart, baron Stuart de Rothesay (1779-1845)
Diplomat and art collector; he was minister at Lisbon (1810-14) and ambassador at Paris
(1815-24). A grandson of Lord Bute and early friend of Henry Brougham, he was raised to the
peerage in 1828.
George Tierney (1761-1830)
Whig MP and opposition leader whose political pragmatism made him suspect in the eyes of
his party; he fought a bloodless duel with Pitt in 1798. He is the “Friend of Humanity” in
Canning and Frere's “The Needy Knife-Grinder.”