I will only say now that the Congress at Vienna seems likely to terminate in a general peace, because the great powers of Europe want it, but I am afraid that the question of the Slave Trade will not be settled upon any satisfactory footing. The utmost that seems likely is to exclude the trade from the northern part of Africa and confine it to the coast of Guinea. Unfortunately Lord Castlereagh has no feeling upon this subject, and his under secretary, Mr. Cooke, is almost friendly to the trade, or at least represented himself so at Paris, lamenting openly that the Ministers here were compelled to give the French Government so much trouble, in consequence of an absurd cry that was raised by Methodists and fanatics.
I hear that the reported follies of the Princess of Wales on the Continent are much exceeded by the actual extravagance of her conduct. I am afraid that our friend Dr. Holland has made an unfortunate determination in becoming part of her establishment.