I was extremely glad to hear that the Lansdowne1 visit had succeeded so entirely, there could indeed be little or no doubt, as they are the most correct and uniform in their manners and tempers almost of any persons that I know in any rank; but such things are always in a certain degree experimental.
1 A visit paid by Lord and Lady Lansdowne to Mr. and Mrs. Smith at Easton Grey. |
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Lady Holland in Rome |
We have no particular news, but the opinion is very prevalent that we shall have peace with America, and that the affairs of the Congress are going on unfavourably: this last report, I am afraid, is but too certain. I cannot exactly make out what is the meaning or effect of the late change of administration at Paris by which Soult is Minister of War. It must be done to conciliate the Army, and accompanied as it is by the appointment of Suchet to the government of Alsace, looks rather inauspiciously for the peace of the Continent.