As you are at a distance from all authentic intelligence, you will be anxious to hear what is the true cause of poor Whitbread’s shocking fate, respecting which many false reports are circulated. It has originated in some degree from a bad state of health attended with a determination of blood to the head, with which he has been lately affected; but mainly and indeed almost entirely, by the complicated and unprosperous state of the concerns of Drury Lane Theatre, which have for some time given him perpetual uneasiness. He used much influence at the commencement of the concern, with tradesmen and others of that class to become subscribers; and the thoughts of the losses which they would sustain, and of the imputations he would be exposed to, have been continually present to his mind, and at times overpowered his intellects. The clearest evidence, I understand, was given before the coroner’s jury, showing great mental derangement; and this ought to be published, as it has been found impossible to conceal the manner of his death.
It is needless to say what a loss, both public and private, has been sustained by Whitbread’s death. It cannot during our time be replaced.
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I hear of no particular news since the capitulation of Paris, which is very unpopular here; such was the vindictive spirit of the people, and so desirous were they of a little plunder and outrage. Some would not have been sorry for burning and massacres.