The “Pope” of Holland House
John Whishaw to Thomas Smith, 23 March 1816
March 23, 1816.
Since I last wrote we have been most agreeably surprised by the
signal and unexpected triumph over the income tax, which none even of the best
informed had thought could possibly happen in the first
instance.1 Several persons thought that the Bill
might be thrown out in some one or other of its numerous stages, but no one
expected that the original resolution would be
1 “At last I rose, and merely read
distinctly the words of the Act imposing the income tax ‘for and
during the continuance of the war, and no
longer.’ The shout which these three words raised I shall
never forget. We divided immediately (March 18, 1816), and threw out
the Bill by a majority of 37, which, in reference to the snuff known as
‘Hardham’s 37,’ was called ‘Brougham’s
37,’ and I remember being represented in a caricature as offering
a pinch of my ‘37’ to the Regent. The division was
“for the continuance of the tax.” “In favour, 201;
against, 238.”—“Memoirs of Lord Brougham,” vol. ii. p.
312. |
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The Income Tax |
rejected at once by a powerful and decided
majority. The greatest possible efforts had been made, and the strong and confident
language of the ministerialists had convinced even their opponents that their
exertions had been perfectly successful. I am afraid, indeed, that this must have
been the case upon any question not so immediately and vitally connected with the
pecuniary interests of the nation. This reflection may a little diminish our
feelings of triumph; especially when we consider how slight an impression had been
made on the people by the great military establishments, and how totally insensible
they were to the injustice and impolicy of Lord
Castlereagh’s treaties and profligate system of the Allied
Powers. Still it must be remembered that resistance to arbitrary taxation is one of
the most natural and useful results of a spirit of freedom.
Witness the case of ship money and the Stamp Act, the latter of which led to the
American Revolution. The victory of the popular party in the present instance,
considering the principle of the tax and the avowed determination of Government to
force it against the avowed opinion and feelings of the people, is, perhaps, the
greatest public event that has happened in our time; the most important,
undoubtedly, that has taken place since the acquittal of Tooke and Hardy.1
A Ministry, thus defeated and disgraced, ought, according to the
good rules of former times, to have been immediately dismissed, but they still
retain their places, and the only effect will be that Mr. Canning,
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Benjamin Constant |
on his return to England, will stand
somewhat higher, from his friends being lowered, and will obtain better terms in
his political negotiation.
We have several rather interesting foreigners now in London,
particularly Benjamin Constant, who was
formerly the friend of Madame de Staël and
the great opponent of Buonaparte in the
Tribunate, who, after an exile of some years, returned to France on the restoration
of Louis XVIII., and upon the return of
Napoleon became a convert to his constitutional system,
and one of his counsellors of state.
He is a distinguished literary man, a writer of political
treatises and constitutions, a considerable German scholar, with somewhat of the
sentimental and metaphysical cast of the Staël school, and has lately written a
novel which he is about to publish. He is an agreeable man, but not particularly
striking in conversation. However, he has a great deal to say, especially
respecting Napoleon, whom he saw continually,
and with whom he conversed on all sorts of subjects, political, literary, &c. I
cannot now enter upon this wide field; but have strongly advised M. de Constant to write memoirs of
Napoleon’s last reign instead of an apology for his
own conduct as he had intended. Notwithstanding his political changes, or perhaps
because of them, I believe him to be an honest man, and to have been fully
convinced of the sincerity and constitutional intentions of
Napoleon in 1815, founded upon his conviction of the necessity of such measures.
George Canning (1770-1827)
Tory statesman; he was foreign minister (1807-1809) and prime minister (1827); a
supporter of Greek independence and Catholic emancipation.
Benjamin Constant (1767-1830)
French political theorist and novelist; author of
Thomas Hardy (1752-1832)
English shoemaker and radical who was tried for treason and acquitted in the 1794
Louis XVIII, king of France (1755-1824)
Brother of the executed Louis XVI; he was placed on the French throne in 1814 following
the abdication of Napoleon.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Germaine de Staël (1766-1817)
French woman of letters; author of the novel
Corinne, ou L'Italie
(1807) and
De l'Allemagne (1811); banned from Paris by Napoleon, she
spent her later years living in Germany, Britain, and Switzerland.
William Stone (1796 fl.)
London coal merchant and member of Friends of the People; in January 1796 he was tried
and acquitted of treason, after which he emigrated to France.
John Horne Tooke (1736-1812)
Philologist and political radical; member of the Society for Constitutional Information
(1780); tried for high treason and acquitted (1794).