The “Pope” of Holland House
John Whishaw to Thomas Smith, 11 March 1817
March 11, 1817.
I agree very much in your opinion respecting Jeffrey’s critique of Lord Byron. His taste I have
long thought very much perverted; and his praises in this instance are violent and
exaggerated. It is not creditable to see the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews bidding, as
it were, against each other for the favour of Lord
Byron, at a time when he is going out of favour with the public. One
might almost suspect that they are afraid of his satirical powers.
You are aware that Jeffrey
has been here lately attending the House of Lords on a great Scotch appeal; and, of
course, went a great deal into society. But though he showed great talents, neither
his public nor private exhibitions were considered as successful, and the journey
did not add to his English reputation. He is too subtle and refined, and too little
in earnest; and we applied to him what Voltaire said of Rousseau,
“Il n’est pas philosophe, mais le premier des
Baring says that the Duke of Wellington told him in Paris that he considered the present
French Ministry perfectly safe, and that the king’s death would make no material difference;
“Monsieur” being too timid, whatever might be his private inclinations,
1 Southey’s poem of “Wat Tyler,” which was written in
1794 and piratically issued in 1817. Southey applied
for, but did not succeed in obtaining, an injunction from Chancery to stop
the publication. A contemptuous comparison in the House of Commons by
W. Smith, M.P., of its language
with that used by Southey in a recent number of the
Review, provoked its author into addressing a printed letter to
him. |
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to attempt a total change of system. Talleyrand’s return to Court is entirely
with the concurrence of the ministers, to show that they are not afraid of him or
the Ultras.
You see that Lord Holland has
given notice of a motion relative to the treatment of Napoleon at St. Helena. His information is from the Pole who
accompanied him to his place of exile, and who is lately returned. Sir Hudson Lowe’s conduct seems to have been
quite unjustifiable; and Lord Holland’s proceeding is
manly and generous but not very politic. For it will give occasion for much abuse
in the Courier,
and increase the unpopularity of the Opposition. This, however, in the present
state of the prospects of the Party, is not a very important circumstance. You will
be sorry to hear of the failure of the Chinese Embassy, probably in consequence of
the Nepaul war. But I hear that Lord Amherst
was not sanguine when he went out in his hopes of a favourable reception.
William Pitt Amherst, first earl Amherst (1773-1857)
The nephew and heir of Jeffrey Amherst, first Baron Amherst; educated at Westminster and
Christ Church, Oxford, he was envoy to Peking (1816-17), governor-general of India
(1823-28), created earl of Amherst in 1826.
Alexander Baring, first baron Ashburton (1773-1848)
London financier who made a fortune in the United States; he was MP for Taunton
(1802-26), Callington (1826-31), Thetford (1831-32), and North Essex (1833-35); he was
president of the Board of Trade (1834) and raised to the peerage in 1835.
Henry Richard Fox, third baron Holland (1773-1840)
Whig politician and literary patron; Holland House was for many years the meeting place
for reform-minded politicians and writers. He also published translations from the Spanish
and Italian;
Memoirs of the Whig Party was published in 1852.
Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey (1773-1850)
Scottish barrister, Whig MP, and co-founder and editor of the
Review (1802-29). As a reviewer he was the implacable foe of the Lake School of
Louis XVIII, king of France (1755-1824)
Brother of the executed Louis XVI; he was placed on the French throne in 1814 following
the abdication of Napoleon.
Sir Hudson Lowe (1769-1844)
Born in Galway, Ireland; he was lieutenant-general and governor of St. Helena where he
had custody of Napoleon.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
Swiss-born man of letters; author of, among others,
Julie ou la
Nouvelle Heloïse (1761),
Émile (1762) and
Les Confessions (1782).
William Smith (1756-1835)
Educated at the dissenting academy at Daventry, he was a Whig MP for Sudbury (1784-90,
1796-1802), Camelford (1790-96), and Norwich (1802-30), a defender of Joseph Priestley and
follower of Charles Fox. His 1817 speech in Parliament denouncing Robert Southey attracted
much attention.
Robert Southey (1774-1843)
Poet laureate and man of letters whose contemporary reputation depended upon his prose
works, among them the
Life of Nelson, 2 vols (1813),
History of the Peninsular War, 3 vols (1823-32) and
The Doctor, 7 vols (1834-47).
Voltaire (1694-1778)
French historian and man of letters; author of, among many other works,
The Age of Louis XIV (1751) and
Candide (1759).
The Courier. (1792-1842). A London evening newspaper; the original proprietor was James Perry; Daniel Stuart, Peter
Street, and William Mudford were editors; among the contributors were Samuel Taylor
Coleridge and John Galt.
The Quarterly Review. (1809-1967). Published by John Murray, the
Quarterly was instigated by Walter
Scott as a Tory rival to the
Edinburgh Review. It was edited by
William Gifford to 1824, and by John Gibson Lockhart from 1826 to 1853.