My dearest A—Do not imagine that either silence or an uncomfortable letter are proofs of forgetfulness on my part. Without doing much, I have scarcely a moment of peace & quiet here—constant interruptions of one sort or other—& from a remains of nervous weakness I believe—my head becomes so confused that I cannot collect my thoughts so as to express one-half of them to you. I have felt quite vexed at the recollection of the hurry I wrote to you in—yet I could not help it. You are so kind & good to me I would not have you think that I feel it one bit less than I really do—& it is impossible you can know how much that is—but I know you will make allowances. You(r) last letter my dearest A was such a comfort to me—ye greatest I can at present receive—since I think from it you do “understand me as well as any human being can another,” & I have suffered a great deal from the idea that you might & did mistake on one point. Don’t reproach yourself—or imagine I could ever reproach you for past doubts—it was but too natural you should have had them & none but you would so kindly have dismissed them. Thank you my dear A—— for complying with my request—& offering your thoughts—I am certain they are right & I assure you I always mistrust my own & endeavour to examine into every motive. Tell me always when you see anything wrong & believe me that greatest act of friendship will be most gratefully felt and acknowledged. I never witnessed any thing like what you have alas! & describe to have been his Agonies—& whatever I have suffered I have always carefully concealed from him,
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this letter has as usual met with 10,000 interruptions but it must go “with all its imperfections on its head”
I hope your health continues to improve & yt of little Ada to be perfect—I fear I must remain here till after ye 12th when My Mistress gives a great affair to which I shall be summoned—nothing good at home, except that my darlings are well—
1 Underlined twice. |
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Georgey’s love and she is going to write to you immediately