Astarte: a Fragment of Truth
Lord Byron to Augusta Leigh, 28 September 1819
Venice. Novr 28th 1819.
Yours of the 11th came to-day—many thanks. I may be wrong, and right or wrong,
have lived long enough not to defend opinions; but my doubts of the funds were Douglas Kinnaird’s, who also told me that at the investment
Lady B. or her agents had demurred. I know nothing of England
but through Douglas and Hobhouse, who
are alarming reformers, and the Paris papers which are full of bank perplexities. The Stake
concerns you and your children who are in part my heirs, and Lady B and her
child who have a jointure and all that to come out of it. She may do as she pleases—I merely
suggest—it is all your affair as much as mine. Since I wrote to you last I have had with all my
household & family a sharp tertian fever. I have got well but Allegra is still laid up though convalescent; and her nurse—and half
my ragamuffins—Gondoliers, Nurses—cook—footmen &c I cured myself
without bark, but all the others are taking it like trees. I have also had another hot crater, in
the shape of a scene with Count Guiccioli who quarrelled
with his wife, who refused to go back to him, and wanted to stay with me—and elope—and be as good
as married. At last they made it up—but there was a dreadful scene; if I had not loved her better
than myself, I could not have resisted her wish but at thirty one years, as I have, and such years as they have been—you may be sure—knowing the world that I would
rather sacrifice myself ten times over—than the girl, who did not know the extent of the step she
was so eager to take. He behaved well enough, saying “take your lover or retain me—but you
shan’t have both,” the lady would have taken her lover as in duty bound—not to do—but on
representing to her the
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destruction it would bring on her family (five
unmarried sisters) and all the probable consequences—she had the reluctant good grace to acquiesce
and return with him to Ravenna. But this business has rendered Italy hateful to me, and as I left
England on account of my own wife, I leave Italy because of another’s. You need not be
frightened—there was no fighting—nobody fights here—they sometimes assassinate, but generally by
proxy—and as to intrigue, it is the only employment; but elopements and separations are still more
serious than even with us being so uncommon, and indeed needless; as excepting an occasionally
jealous old gentleman—every body lets their spouses have a man or two—provided he be taken with
decency. But the Guiccioli was romantic and had read “Corinna”—in short she was a kind of Italian
Caroline Lamb—but very pretty and gentle, at least to me;
for I never knew so docile a creature as far as we lived together, except that she had a great
desire to leave her husband who is sixty years old—and not pleasant. There was the deuce—for her
father’s family (a very noble one of Ravenna), were furious against the husband—(not against me) for his unreasonable ways. You must not dislike her, for she was a great admirer of you, and used to collect and
seal up all your letters to me as they came that they might not be lost or
mixed with other papers; and she was a very amiable and accomplished woman, with however some of
the drawbacks of the Italian character now corrupted for ages.
All this—and my fever—have made me low and ill; but the moment Allegra is better we shall set off over the Tyrolese Alps, and find
our way to England as we can, to the great solace of Mr Fletcher, who may perhaps find his family not less increased than his
fortune during his absence. I cannot fix any day for departure or arrival—so much depending on
circumstances—but we are to be in voyage as soon as it can be undertaken with safety to the child’s
health. As to the Countess G. if I had been single and could
have married her by getting
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her divorced, she would probably have been of the
party; but this being out of the question—though she was as “all for love
or the world well lost”—I, who know what “love” and “the world” both are,
persuaded her to keep her station in society.
Pray let Ada’s picture be portable as I am likely to see more of the portrait than of the original.
Excuse this scrawl. Think that within this month I have had a fever—an Italian
husband and wife quarrelling;—a sick family—and the preparation for a
December journey over the mountains of the Tyrol all brewing at once in my cauldron.
[The signature is as in letter of Sept. 21st, 1818.—Ed.]
P.S. I enclose her last letter to me by which you may
judge for yourself—that it was a serious business—I have felt it such, but—it was my duty to do
as I did as her husband offered to forgive everything if she would return with him to Ravenna and
give up her liaison.
I will talk to you of my American scheme when I see you—
Allegra Byron (1817-1822)
Byron's illegitimate daughter by Claire Clairmont.
William Fletcher (1831 fl.)
Byron's valet, the son of a Newstead tenant; he continued in service to the end of the
poet's life, after which he was pensioned by the family. He married Anne Rood, formerly
maid to Augusta Leigh, and was living in London in 1831.
Alessandro Guiccioli (1761-1840)
The richest man in the Romagna and patron of the arts, who in 1818 married Teresa
Guiccioli as his third wife.
Teresa Guiccioli (1800-1873)
Byron's lover, who in 1818 married Alessandro Guiccioli. She composed a memoir of Byron,
Lord Byron,
Jugé par les Témoines de sa Vie (1868).
John Cam Hobhouse, baron Broughton (1786-1869)
Founder of the Cambridge Whig Club; traveled with Byron in the orient, radical MP for
Westminster (1820); Byron's executor; after a long career in politics published
Some Account of a Long Life (1865) later augmented as
Recollections of a Long Life, 6 vols (1909-1911).
Lady Caroline Lamb [née Ponsonby] (1785-1828)
Daughter of the third earl of Bessborough; she married the Hon. William Lamb (1779-1848)
and fictionalized her infatuation with Lord Byron in her first novel,
Glenarvon (1816).
Hon. Augusta Mary Leigh [née Byron] (1783-1851)
Byron's half-sister; the daughter of Amelia Darcy, Baroness Conyers, she married
Lieutenant-Colonel George Leigh on 17 August 1807.