Astarte: a Fragment of Truth
Augusta Leigh to Lady Byron, 22 June [1816]
6 Mile Bottom. Saturday June 22 (1816).2
Your letter is very acceptable—& more like comfort than any thing in any shape I have had this long time—for one word of kindness from you is I assure you of more
value than many from others—I rejoice to hear so good an acct of dear
little A—— has she more than the 2 teeth of which I heard
from Lady Noel? I wish you could tell me anything as
favourable of your own health. [Here comes a long passage about her children’s health and her
domestic troubles.—Ed.] Now my dear A— here is a sheet of paper as usual full of
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myself—Of course you received my answer to yr
last—since which I have written you 3 others—all unsent—& all my hope
& wish is to see you once more—I fancied my last letter might perhaps appear written pettishly—& to you I could not bear the thought of
this—so I intended to have dispatched one today if only to say that I was persuaded you thought you
were acting right by me & that even considering what you must think of
me I owe you gratitude—putting the present out of the question—yr
past kindness can never be forgotten—perhaps—& I earnestly hope it—that as I have often told
you you once thought too well of me, you may some day discover you now think
too ill—God bless you my dear A—
Ever yr grateful & affte
If I am not alone don’t allude to this subject as I wd not add such a grievance to those which already abound.
Hon. Augusta Mary Leigh [née Byron] (1783-1851)
Byron's half-sister; the daughter of Amelia Darcy, Baroness Conyers, she married
Lieutenant-Colonel George Leigh on 17 August 1807.