“Whatever my principles may be you need not be afraid of my discussing them at your house. I know how ill it will be received and shall therefore avoid it however angry I may sometimes be at hearing unqualified abuse of Men whose talents and general principles I must admire, particularly when it comes from those who have neither talents nor principles but are guided in all their actions solely by selfishness. Ld. E[gremont]’s
1 Morpeth, the eldest son of the Earl of Carlisle, who in 1801 married Georgiana, the eldest daughter of Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire, had espoused the cause of liberty with ardour. 2 Lord Boringdon, afterwards created 1st Earl of Morley, married into the great Whig family of the Jerseys. |
“How can you know me so little as to suppose any thing could induce me even to accept, much more to ask a favor of the present adminis[tratio]n. I wrote to Ld. O. to thank him for his offer of the Lieut[enan]cy, but to decline it at the same time, telling him I never would take it. I will never subject myself to the caprice of a K[ing], & I might be turned out for my political opinion as others have been. As to the Militia, I deferr’d giving him a positive answer till I see him. I should not have hesitated about accepting it if I had not been convinced that in every respect it would be disagreeable to me, & I could only be induced to do it from a conviction that in the present situation of affairs everybody ought to stand forward, particularly the young ones & those whose keeping back might be attributed to their want of ardour in the cause. I therefore remain still in doubt urged on the one hand by the wish to what I think I ought & on the other by the wish to avoid what would be in every respect a disagreeable situation.
“You mistake me in supposing I am violent in my
political opinions. At some moments I feel great apprehensions as to the
effects of any change—my inclinations lead me to the reformers, my
aversions strengthen these inclinations. I see too with regret Men whom I
always hoped would some day rescue the country from the arbitrary, the
oppressive, the aristocratic Administration that now governs it, meanly playing
a second part and being the dupes by being the Cats paw of the very set of men
their principles