In Whig Society 1775-1818
Duchess of Devonshire to Lady Melbourne, [2 February 1802]
I have done all I can, but I have found the Speech, &
reading it again & with an idea that did not at first strike me—I do
own I think it very bad & that a less succeptable person might have
suppos’d that Juggles & persons who had alterd
their plans jar destructive ones, seem’d more ![]()
like addressing the Plural, than an individual such as Tierney. I am furious at it. If to listen to
proposals of arrangement merely to see if on the grounds of peace something
might not be done to restore Whig principles—& finding this in vain
leaving London, can be calld a juggle what was Sheridan’s plan two years back?—& can this be
applied in a more offensive manner than by classing such an independent
Character as Mr. G[rey]’s with a
self-interested time serving fellow as Tierney. Do not
think I am giving way to my usual wrath (?) unconditionally. I allow that
Tierney has great talents: that he has perseverance
beyond most men—that he resolv’d to let no opportunity slip of
shewing these talents to advantage, i.e., selling himself to
advantage, & that he has done so. That ten years ago, had anybody
said Tierney would have the place which I believe (tho not
at liberty to say what it is) is destined to him, he would have been
laugh’d at. But he knew his own powers of mind, & not only exerted
them, but exerted them hi a masterly manner. But I believe, as to principle, he
has just as much now as he had at any period of his life, when he got chose of
the Whig Club or in his first adherence or subsequent quarrel with the
Duke of Portland. I think him an
agreeable man, & I do not suppose him to be an ilnaturd man when self is
out of the case—but is this man, when he has made a bargain any body knew
he would make, to be compard with my—[sic] never,
never, never.
I have done how ever all I can, but I am myself furious with
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)
Anglo-Irish playwright, author of
The School for Scandal (1777),
Whig MP and ally of Charles James Fox (1780-1812).
George Tierney (1761-1830)
Whig MP and opposition leader whose political pragmatism made him suspect in the eyes of
his party; he fought a bloodless duel with Pitt in 1798. He is the “Friend of Humanity” in
Canning and Frere's “The Needy Knife-Grinder.”