In Whig Society 1775-1818
Duchess of Devonshire? to Lady Melbourne, 20 February 1802
Hardwick, Feby. 20th, 1802.
Yesterday when the Post arriv’d, your letter was given
to me, & Mr. Robinson said, another letter from
Lady Melbourne! well how often she
writes to you! Yes, I said, she is the best correspondent possible, & the
best natur’d, for if there is anything to tell one she always writes
directly, & this will give us an account of C.
Fox’s speach. Open it, said Mr. R.,
& tell me what she says. I open it. Well well, I said, nothing—not a
word of Mr. Fox. Nor of any news? said
R. No, I said, not a word—two pages & a half
of very natural tho’ very groundless anxiety about the
D[uche]ss who is as you see very well, & the rest
wondering why I don’t make them leave Hardwick. No, no, replied very
naturally Mr. R. it can’t be—& nothing
else?—Nothing else—said I—& of course I am in a great
passion—Now as to your letter Mrs. Lady
Them[ire]—where it deserves an answer. The D[uche]ss
really scarcely coughs—she eats well (generally) & is in good spirits
and tho’ very nervous at times, yet on the whole she is well, &
tho’ her cold hung upon her a great while, I think that to all of us who
have been used to breast complaints, it is evident her cold was not of that
kind,—& her vessels in general appear’d full—for you know
when she is well ![]()
she is apt to forget all caution &
eats & drinks a good deal, & yet don’t take exercise
enough—but I really think her well now, or nearly so,—&
tho’ Denman is odious, yet the Surgeon
Carrington who attended us all so much last year is very clever
& has manag’d her well. So much for that subject—now as to the
next—our staying in the country. I did not say that whilst Mr. Hare staid, we must stay too, but that
whilst he staid, we, (the D[uche]ss & myself) lik’d being here, &
that it was very comfortable, for as to staying, the Duke came here with a determination to stay some time, as there
is a Spring he thinks particularly agrees with him, & this being his Plan,
we did not like to counteract it, but felt that for him & us, Mr. H[are] being
with us was everything—& when D[uke of]
Devonshire] went yesterday to invite the Huns to Hardwick & that they fix’d on yesterday
D. D. forbid its being said in the House, for fear it
sd. make Mr. H. determine on going as he had been naming
one day after another for his going. However he did
go—the Huns did come, & we are not likely to go soon—nor
can I press it, even though I have long been anxious that D.
D. should be near Farquhar.1
Voyez malicieuses [sic] Miladi si mes raisons
ne sont pas valables. Above all don’t go out of town as
soon as we arrive, tho’ I suppose it will have by that time have lost of
its merits.
I hope all is settled and right about Mr. Tierney & black—I wish that odious Mr. Tierney
had not such influence with black as he has. I think
Mr. Fitzpatrick’s answer about
T. so good. Mr.
Robison [sic] is still with us and
I shall be very sorry when he goes—he was rather indignant at your
message about the Play: how very odd the circumstance you tell me of that
scene: I won’t tell it but it is an odd thing for a Woman of education
& birth to act what even a publick audience is expected to disapprove: As
to D[uke of] Richmond] I am quite certain
that he now both feels & I believe laments the line of conduct he adopted.
I answered some of his questions fairly & told him where I thought he had
acted ill by me, & what alter’d my conduct to him. He said he sd.
answer me (which he never has) & that he was a helpless wretched Man.
Lady C[harlotte] L[ennox] is an odious
being & I sd. like to be certain of never seeing her again. I wish her to
believe & know what you say you think she does about you & me. I am
glad D. R. can hunt, it is the best thing he can do.
Adieu, adieu—is not the Prince
pleas’d with Mr. Fox’s
speech—& has he not now a good chance of recovering these arrears
& being set quite free? God Bless you.
William Cavendish, fifth duke of Devonshire (1748-1811)
Whig peer, the son of William Cavendish, fourth duke of Devonshire; after succeeding to
the title in 1764 he married the famous Lady Georgiana Spencer in 1774.
Sir Walter Farquhar, first baronet (1738-1819)
After studying medicine at King's College under James Gregory, Aberdeen he worked as an
army doctor before setting up practice in London, where his clients included William Pitt
and Lord Melville.
Richard Fitzpatrick (1748-1813)
English military officer, politician, and poet allied with Fox and Sheridan in
Parliament; he was secretary of state for war (1783, 1806) and author of
Dorinda, a Town Eclogue (1775).
Charles James Fox (1749-1806)
Whig statesman and the leader of the Whig opposition in Parliament after his falling-out
with Edmund Burke.
Charles Grey, second earl Grey (1764-1845)
Whig statesman and lover of the Duchess of Devonshire; the second son of the first earl
(d. 1807), he was prime minister (1831-34).
James Hare (1747-1804)
MP for Stockbridge (1772-74) and Knaresborough (1781-1804); he was a close friend of
Charles James Fox, R. B. Sheridan, and the Duchess of Devonshire. In person he was
remarkably thin and pale, arousing comments.
Elizabeth Lamb, viscountess Melbourne [née Milbanke] (1751-1818)
Whig hostess married to Peniston Lamb, first Viscount Melbourne (1744-1828); she was the
confidant of Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, the mother of William Lamb (1779-1848), and
mother-in-law of Lady Caroline Lamb.
Charles Lennox, fourth duke of Richmond (1764-1819)
He was a military officer who fought at Waterloo; after succeeding his uncle in the title
in 1806 he was lord-lieutenant of Ireland (1807-13) and governor-general of Canada
George Tierney (1761-1830)
Whig MP and opposition leader whose political pragmatism made him suspect in the eyes of
his party; he fought a bloodless duel with Pitt in 1798. He is the “Friend of Humanity” in
Canning and Frere's “The Needy Knife-Grinder.”