In Whig Society 1775-1818
Frederick Foster to Lady Melbourne, [November 1802]
“We have been very gay lately. Last night we went to a
Ball at M[adam]e Recamier’s, it
was a very pretty one & lasted till 5 in the morning. Vestris1 danced &
most excessively well, & there
1 Famous French ballet dancer (1729-1808). He
is reported to have said, “There are but three great men in
Europe—the King of
Prussia, Voltaire and I.”
was some very fine Dancing besides. The House is not very
large but is extremely pretty, the furniture of her Bedroom & Boudoir
beautiful. She has been as good natur’d as possible to L[ad]y [E]Liz[abeth Foster] & has promised
to invite Moreau to meet us at a small
Party. By the bye a person asked Moreau if he ever visited
Bonaparte. He replied never, &
that ‘il a fait une impertinence à moi & à mon
armée’—this is pretty strong I think, & as
Mr. Hare told it to us, is I daresay
true. We have met Jourdan there a good
deal. He was, you may recollect, a Member of the Council of 500 & was
intended for Deportation by the Directory, but luckily escaped. He is very
Gentlemanlike & pleasing in his manners, & is reckoned a very clever
& eloquent man, but by no means in favor at present with the Consul, indeed
very few of the famous Leaders of the Revolution, good or bad, are. I met Tallien at a dinner the other day, he seems quite out of humour
with Buonaparte & spoke his mind pretty freely about
him. He has the appearance of a Gentleman Murderer,
& talks of Guillotines & slaughter with the greatest coolness &
composure—his manners are very civil & his Conversation & look
give me the idea of a Philosophe-Bourreau. He was very communicative & told
me that it was their Plan to have murdered the King on the 10th of August but that
‘Judas’ Roederer, as he call’d him, prevented it, by persuading
the K[ing] to go to the assembly. I said—mais
pour la Reine et la famille Royale, what was to have
become of them? O tout ça aurait
passé—& then, said he, the Republick
would have arisen sage et tranquille,
& we should not have ![]()
been embarassed by the Trials of
the King & Queen &c. The King, he allowed, was the best man in his
Kingdom, & that the Q[ueen] had been
cruelly traduced—but he complained of the coldness of her manner to him
when he was on guard over them at the Tuilleries & Temple, but that the
K[ing] & he agreed very well. He added that it was Cambaceres, now 2d. Consul, Herault de Sechelles, guillotined by Robespierre, & himself who prepared the
papers for the King’s Trial. On the 9th Thermidor, when
Robespierre was overthrown, he told me that he,
Collot d’Herbois &
Billaud de Varennes placed
themselves, armed with daggers, behind Rob[ert]
Couthon & St. Just,
determined to have stabbed them, had not the Convention decreed their arrest.
He said that Rob[ert Couthon] had great Influence over the
Populace, & that they had an Idea of his great Incorruptibility. On the 13
Vendemiere when the Parisians attacked the Convention it was he that
recommended Bonaparte to Barras & Freron, to
command their Troops, & that B[onaparte] was then so
poor that they were obliged to borrow him a Horse & an uniform—&
that Bonap[arte] had been very near taking the part of the
Parisians—(you recollect how completely he licked them)—but that
when Menou wished to parley with the mob
& prevent Bloodshed, Bonap[arte] refused, & having
waited till they approachd pretty near, opend upon them a tremendous fire of
Cannon, & which to use T[aillen’s] own word,
completely Balaye’d them. He lamented very much
the death of Hoche, said that
Moreau had no civil Talents, & mentioned as a good
Trait of Gen. Junot, that he was a
bon Sabreur, tho’ no
great officer. He said that ![]()
the Lawyers had done all the
mischief in the Assemblys by their Metaphysicks & Law-jargon, & really praised the E[nglish] H[ouse] of Commons for not
listening to Erskine & his crew. His
only favorites seem to be Barras &
Freron—both pretty scoundrels. Danton he admird but thought that in the
massacres of September he had perhaps ‘laisse le peuple trop
agir.’ . . . I think I have given you a pretty good dose of
Tallien & its not my fault if you don’t
think & dream for this month to come, of Tallien,
Barrere, Santerre, the Guillotine & Co. I must just tell you that
Barrere considers himself as the Virtuous man,
persecuted by the Wicked. He said to a Gentleman that he was afraid the
Revol[ution] appeared to the World in the light of a Crime éclatante. This Virtuous Martyr, you know,
was president of the Committee (of public Safety, I think it was) when in 5
weeks upwards of 1200 people were put to death by its (orders?) & he it was
who proposed to ‘balayer’ (the prisons 7).1
I must have done with these (monsters), & say a word about their mighty
master the modern Cæsar—whom one can hardly praise or abuse too
much. I heard a curious anecdote of him. He told a Gentleman that the
Aegyptiens regretted him very much & that their sorcerers predicted his
return. We expect to be presented by Lord
Whitworth next Monday, & on Thursday I believe to Madame Bonaparte—her son Beauharnais was at M[adam]e
Rec[amie]r last night & at the D[uche]ss [of] Gordon’s ball a few nights ago—he
seems gentlemanlike & unassuming. By the bye the D[uche]ss
Gordon in her happy manner & choice French
took the opportunity of observing to Mr.
Seger whilst Beauh[arnais] was standing
close bye him, that Bonap: only waited to equip his fleets to declare War
against England.”
Bertrand Barère de Vieuzac (1755-1841)
French journalist, revolutionary politician, and regicide who was one of the first to
turn on Robespierre.
Eugène de Beauharnais (1781-1824)
The son of the Empress Josephine and step-child of Napoleon, he was given the title of
Prince Français.
Jacques Nicolas Billaud-Varenne (1756-1819)
French orator and member of the Committee of Public Safety deported after the Reign of
Terror; he died in Haiti.
Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois (1749-1796)
French actor, playwright, and revolutionary politician who as a member of the Committee
of Public Safety was instrumental in the Terror.
Georges Auguste Couthon (1755-1794)
French politician, lawyer, and member of the Committee of Public Safety; with Robespierre
he died by the guillotine.
Georges-Jacques Danton (1759-1794)
French revolutionary leader who was guillotined after his break with Robespierre.
Thomas Erskine, first baron Erskine (1750-1823)
Scottish barrister who was a Whig MP for Portsmouth (1783-84, 1790-1806); after defending
the political radicals Hardy, Tooke, and Thelwall in 1794 he was lord chancellor in the
short-lived Grenville-Fox administration (1806-07).
Frederick II of Prussia (1712-1786)
King of Prussia (1740-86) and military commander in the War of the Austrian Succession
and Seven Years War.
Jane Gordon, duchess of Gordon [née Maxwell] (1748-1812)
One of London's most prominent hostesses; in 1767 she married Alexander Gordon, fourth
duke of Gordon. She was active in Tory politics and married three of her daughters to
James Hare (1747-1804)
MP for Stockbridge (1772-74) and Knaresborough (1781-1804); he was a close friend of
Charles James Fox, R. B. Sheridan, and the Duchess of Devonshire. In person he was
remarkably thin and pale, arousing comments.
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles (1759-1794)
French politician and member of the Committee of Public Safety during the Terror, he was
executed on orders from Robespierre.
Lazare Hoche (1768-1797)
French general responsible for pacifying the Vendée (1794-96) and planning an invasion of
Ireland (1796).
Empress Joséphine (1763-1814)
Consort of Napoleon, whom she married in 1796 after her first husband was guillotined;
she was divorced in 1809.
Jean-Andoche Junot (1771-1813)
French general who commanded the invasion of Portugal in 1807 and was driven back by
Wellington the following year.
Louis XVI, king of France (1754-1793)
King of France 1774-1793; the husband of Marie Antoinette, he was guillotined 21 January
Queen Marie-Antoinette (1755-1793)
Queen of France, consort of Louis XVI whom she married in 1770; she was convicted of
treason and guillotined during the French Revolution.
Jacques-Francois Menou (1750-1810)
French general who surrendered Egypt to the Allies; he was afterwards appointed governor
of Tuscany (1805), and governor of Venice.
Jean Victor Marie Moreau (1763-1813)
French general who defeated the Austrians at Hohenlinden (1800) and was later exiled by
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Jeanne-Françoise Récamier (1777-1849)
Friend of Madame de Staël and lover of Benjamin Constant; her
et correspondance was published in 1859.
Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794)
The most dogmatic and aggressive of French revolutionary leaders; he sent Danton to the
Pierre Louis Roederer (1754-1835)
French revolutionary politician, historian, and professor of political economy.
Louis Antoine de Saint-Just (1767-1794)
French Revolutionary aligned with Robespierre; a member of the Committee of Public Safety
during the Terror, he died by the guillotine.
Antoine Joseph Santerre (1752-1809)
French brewer and unpopular member of the Parisian National Guard; he was involved in the
storming of the Bastille, the execution of Louis XVI, and the massacre in the
Jean-Lambert Tallien (1767-1820)
French journalist and Jacobin politician; he survived the Terror only to lose influence
under Napoleon and, separated from his famous wife Madame Cabarrus, spent his later years
in poverty.
Auguste Vestris (1760-1842)
French dancer, the illegitimate son of Gaëtan Vestris (1729-1808) and father of the
dancer Armand Vestris (1787-1825), husband of Lucia Elizabeth, Madame Vestris.
Voltaire (1694-1778)
French historian and man of letters; author of, among many other works,
The Age of Louis XIV (1751) and
Candide (1759).