I have considered yr. commune, which you have this morng.
made to me by command of his R.H. the P[rince]
R[egent] of yr. gracious offer of a seat either now or at some
future time at the present board of Treasury. For his R.H. recollection of me
upon this occasion, for the flattering expressions he has been pleased to use,
as well as for his condescending kindness which I have experienced during the
whole course of my life, I entreat that you will humbly lay at his R.H. feet my
most grateful & dutiful acknowledgments. H.R.H. will not I trust think that
I intrude if I request you further respectfully to assure his R.H. of my
sincere attachment to his Person, of my anxiety for the success of his
Government & of my zeal in support of that Govemt. whensoever such support
shall be in my opinion consistent with my duty to my Country. It would be in
the highest degree indiscreet & presumptuous in me to obtrude upon his R.H.
anything so insignificant as my opinion upon public affairs—it will be
sufficient to observe that upon all the great questions of foreign &
domestic policy except upon the question of the War in Spain & Portugal my
opinion has either been expressed or manifested