I have just been reading the enlarged
Edition of Giaour, and think the
additions very beautiful. The description of Love almost makes me in love.
Certainly he excels in the language of Passion, whilst the power of delineating
inanimate nature appears more copiously bestowed on other poets. Perhaps he has
not displayed his excellence in that line only because it has not so much
occupied his attention. In the intellectual he is truly sublime, yet I cannot
believe that his Genius has yet attained its maturity. There is a progressive
improvement in his writings. I shall be glad of his stay in England as I may
hope to have some share of his agreeable society next year in London. After the
lapse of nearly two years since the declaration of his wishes, it is not
probable that they should continue in a sufficient degree to occasion mutual
embarrassment. I consider his acquaintance as so desirable that I would incur
the risk of being called a Flirt for the sake of enjoying it, provided I may do
so without detri-
The Novel which you recommend will be a welcome interruption to my present studies, which I should suppose were suited to your taste—metaphysical reasoning, Locke, Dugald Stuart, &c. My early study of Mathematics has contributed to lead me to these pursuits, since they are in fact the Demonstrat[ions] of Moral Philosophy. I differ from many in considering such books of great practical utility—even in the commonest circumstances of life. You will laugh, & think I mean to eat my dinner metaphysically. Perhaps I might be allowed to waltz metaphysically without incurring even Lord B.’s censure.