“I wrote to him & said: ‘Byron, when my letters tire or when you dislike
writing, only tell truth—I can bear anything but suspense.’ Yet
after far the kindest he ever wrote even more professing than the one I shewed
you, one I could hardly like to shew, so full of such assurances—saying I
must be his; he could not would not live much longer away—I say, after
this letter, I never receivd a word. He was angry I know very well at one I
wrote—a very improper one, no doubt, but I had heard such things, such
double things of his saying & doing, that with my usual violence I wrote.
About ten days after Mamma received a letter very gay & one or two little
things about Cheltenham having cured him. I only had a cover inclosing
John Green’s letter; after that 4 pages in
praise of some other person & these words to me ‘correct yr. vanity
which is ridiculous & proverbial, exert yr. Caprices on your new conquests
& leave me in peace, yrs. Byron.’ I never
“The express brought me a letter I enclose, & it
made me miserable. But I wrote no more, except the small note I inclos’d
to you, & one other, but without one Idea, without one supposition about
Lady Oxford. I wrote to her saying,
‘my Dearest Aspasia, only think
Byron is angry with me! Will you write
to him, will you tell him I have not done one thing to displease him, &
that I am miserable—tell him I wrote him a cross letter I know. But I
have a thousand times askd his pardon. He is tired of me, I see it by his
letter. I will write no more—never teaze him—never intrude upon
him, only do you obtain his forgiveness.’ I received no answer, &
went to Dublin. There a letter came to me from Lady
Oxford. As I thought it had her seal, I open’d it tho’ I
knew it could not be an answer to mine as there had not been time. But it was a
letter from him saying—‘Lady
Caroline—our affections are not in our own
power—mine are engaged. I love another—were I inclined to
reproach you I might for 20 thousand things, but I will not. They really
are not cause of my present conduct—my opinion of you is entirely
alter’d, & if I had wanted anything to confirm me, your Levities
your caprices & the mean subterfuges you have lately made use of while
madly gay—of writing to me as if otherwise, would entirely have
open’d my eyes. I am no longer yr. lover—I shall but never be
less than your friend—it would be too dishonourable for me to name
her to whom I am now entirely devoted &
attached.’—& he put Lady