In Whig Society 1775-1818
Lady Caroline Lamb to Lady Melbourne, [June?] 1815
Brussels, 1815.
Dearest Lady Melbourne,
Your letter is the only one of any sort we have receivd.
& very acceptable it was—I cannot describe to you how totally cut off
from news of every sort. It is said that Buonaparte & his Brothers having delivered themselves up to
the protection of England are gone there & Madame de la
Ruilliere (?) to our great regret & hers set out this morning with the Prince
de Condé for Cambery by Louis orders. The English name stands so high from Ostend here
that it makes one feel proud. The moment they see you every one pulls off their
hats & caps,—& if they ask yr. Country & you say
“English” they answer “that is passport enough.” . . .
The great amusement at Bruxelles, indeed the only one except
visiting the sick, is to make large parties & go to the field of
Battle—& pick up a skull or a grape shot or an old shoe or a letter,
& bring it home. W[illia]m has been, I
shall not go—unless when Fred
[Ponsonby] gets better, & ![]()
goes with me.
There is a great affectation here of making lint & bandages—but where
is there not some? & at least it is an innocent amusement. It is rather a
love making moment, the half wounded Officers reclining with pretty ladies
visiting them—is dangerous. I also observe a great coxcombality in the
dress of the sick—which prognosticates a speedy recovery. It is rather
heart-breaking to be here, however, & one goes blubbering
about—seeing such fine people without their legs & arms, some in
agony, & some getting better. The Prince of
Orange enquired much after all his acquaintance; he suffers a
great deal, but bears it well. The next door to us has a Coll Millar, very patient, but dreadfully
wounded. Lady Conyngham is
here—Lady C.
Greville—Lady D.
Hamilton, Mrs. A. B. c. d. Smith, Lady F. Somerset, Lady F. Webster most affected—& Lady Mountmorress1 who
stuck her parasol yesterday into a skull at Waterloo. Perhaps a certain
rivalship makes me see her less favourably, but indeed Lady F.
Webster is too ridiculous. Mr. Bradshaw, an
amiable Dandy close by me, says it makes him ill for 2 hours after he has seen
her. I conclude that you have heard that the D[uke] of
Wellington fell desperately in love with her & 2 others,
which was the cause of his not being at the Battle in time. The D[uche]ss of Richmond’s fatal Ball has been
much censured; there never was such a Ball—so fine & so sad—all
the young men who appeared there shot dead a few hours after.
Louis Joseph Prince de Condé (1736-1818)
After the defeat of his counter-revolutionary army the prince took refuge in England
before returning to France with the Bourbon Restoration.
William Lamb, second viscount Melbourne (1779-1848)
English statesman, the son of Lady Melbourne (possibly by the third earl of Egremont) and
husband of Lady Caroline Lamb; he was a Whig MP, prime minister (1834-41), and counsellor
to Queen Victoria.
Louis XVIII, king of France (1755-1824)
Brother of the executed Louis XVI; he was placed on the French throne in 1814 following
the abdication of Napoleon.
Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821)
Military leader, First Consul (1799), and Emperor of the French (1804), after his
abdication he was exiled to Elba (1814); after his defeat at Waterloo he was exiled to St.
Helena (1815).
Sir Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby (1783-1837)
The second son of the third earl of Bessborough, and brother of Lady Caroline Lamb; he
was MP (1806-30); after a distinguished career in the Peninsular War and being wounded at
Waterloo he was governor of Malta (1826-35).
William I, king of the Netherlands (1772-1843)
The Prince of Orange, who in 1815 had himself proclaimed the first king of the
Netherlands at the urging of the Congress of Vienna.