In Whig Society 1775-1818
Frederick Lamb to Lady Melbourne, 1815
Frankfurt, 1815.
My Drst. Mother,
Yr. long letter gave me great pleasure and I thank you very
much for it, but it had quite a different effect from what you intended for it
shewed me how extremely and continually you are plagued by the little beast and with how ![]()
much reason. I am sure it wears you, and it can not do otherwise. The other Lady I think less about because she is
out of the house and you do not see her so continually, but two such curses
were never inflicted upon a family which was so perfectly happy and united
before they came into it. I have not business enough here to occupy me at all,
and not the least particle of amusement, as there is neither public theatre nor
private house to go to of an evening, and the cry for economy reaches me and
straightens me too much for me to be able to have any body to my house. I have
made a representation upon the subject, which will not be attended to, but
which will be a good ground for resigning the mission as soon as the only
important part of it is finished, but I wish this to remain a most profound
secret between you and me; it’s getting wind in the least would totally
derange my plan. God bless you my Dearest Mother, I wish I had a receipt to
give you against the torment of the little beast, but I know of none, even my
patience wld. be of no avail there, for she makes me furious. A settled firm
resolution to have nothing to do with her, and not to care a sixpence what she
does, is the best resource, and to recall this resolution and act upon it
afresh every time that one feels oneself in danger of being made to break it by
her. God bless you once more Dearest Mother, good night to you.
Lady Caroline Lamb [née Ponsonby] (1785-1828)
Daughter of the third earl of Bessborough; she married the Hon. William Lamb (1779-1848)
and fictionalized her infatuation with Lord Byron in her first novel,
Glenarvon (1816).