I must be indebted to your kindness (and I fear it must put you to the trouble of writing) for preventing the insertion of my name in Mr. Stockdale’s advertisement.
I have an anxious desire that the readers of The Missionary may be gratified with as accurate a resemblance of its author, as can in that size be given, but from the drawing being so much reduced, the engraving must be comparatively defective; and besides this, I have no wish to be seen to interfere with the province of other artists who are professionally employed in making portraits for books.
There are many of them whose talents I very highly
respect, and might reasonably be jealous of, did they
I will take the greatest care that the drawing be as well copied as possible; the engraver has just left me.
Let me beg the favour of you in your communication to Mr. Stockdale, to give it simply as your demand (as a condition of the drawing being lent by you for the purpose,) without stating the reason I have advanced, which might by that gentleman be made matter of offence to others.
Believe me, with the truest respect,