I read your letter to the person you desired, dear, and if I did not write “by return” (O you Irish expression, why cannot I write the proper brogue for such a broguey expression?) you must still impute it to the penny postman’s life I am living, for when you ask me a question worth an answer, I will never delay it.
What your genius for melodrama, or any drama may be, I have no other reason for guessing than my suspicion that you have genius enough for anything that you will give proper attention to. I should, however, be sorry that the drama, in any shape, should supersede the intentions of the romance or novel production that you last professed.
Hand-in-hand with it I have no objection; and as you give
me my choice of two heroes, I will so far decide that he shall not be Henry
The qualities, virtues, and vices of Francis the First were of a more kingly kind; and though he was hardly a hero, he was a good deal more like one; his time, too, was more chivalric, and the events of it, as well as his own words and actions, having been less hackneyed, may be worked up far more entertainingly and interestingly.
So much for my wisdom with which I shall begin and end.
So bye-bye, sweet Glo.