It is an age since we held any communion; in the first
instance (I was prevented by the fear of boring you by a platitude of a letter, which could only repeat what you
know—that I love you. In the second, I have been prevented writing since
my arrival here (now five weeks ago) by an event unexpected and critical; in a
word, in this little space of time, a man has fallen in love with me,
tête baissée, and
almost married me, before I know where I am or what it is all about. I
mentioned to you before, that Lord Abercorn
was to bring over with him a physician, and as they wrote me word that he was a
person of distinguished talent, a charming musician, and altogether an
interesting person, I sent him some comical professional problems in my letters
to Lady Abercorn. He answered them by a
poetical thesis—I sent him a diploma—and
thus prepared, we met under circumstances and in
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The fact is, there is much pour et contre, on the subject (Dr. Morgan having but a small patrimonial
property, independent of his profession, in which he is still but young). The
confidence his medical skill and success have inspired in this family, where
there is a continual demand on his attention, have so raised him in their good
opinion, that they have declared themselves his fast friends, and promoters of
his interests for life. Indeed, it was at their instance, I was induced to
listen to a proposal, which could have nothing in it very gratifying to my
ambition. The man, however, is perfection. His mind has
that strength of tone and extent of reflection, which you admire so much. He
thinks upon every subject of importance with us, and is sometimes so daring in
risking his bold and singular opinions, that while it raises him in my esteem,
it makes me tremble for his worldly interests, so seldom promoted by this
sovereign independence of principle and spirit, which throws rank and influence
at such an incalculable distance. He is, with all this deep philosophy of
character, a most accomplished gentleman. He speaks and writes well several
languages, and is a scientific musician, a devoted natu-
Your own Glorvina.
We expect the Duke and court here in a few days.