How is this Glorvina?
twice, already, you have failed writing. Is it so very painful to bestow five
minutes recollection on me? though, in truth, I know not whether your silence
is not less painful than your letters. How cold—how
indifferent—what ill-timed levity, and ill-timed animadversion! I am, and
have been, very, very ill; and you are the cause of it. I am sure neither
health nor reason could long withstand the agonies I suffered on your account
for these last twenty-four hours. I have not slept, and am now obliged to put
myself under Bowen’s care. The whole of yesterday
was spent in answering your letter; but I will not pain you by that exhibition of my lacerated mind; I have
already destroyed it. On the subject of delay, however,
one word for all. As long as your presence is necessary to your family, so long
(be it a month or a year) I freely consent to your absence from me; but not one hour longer; you have no right to demand it, and if you knew what love
was, it is impossible you could wish it. But I fear you
are a stranger to love, except as it affects the fancy. You may understand its
picturesque effects; but of the anxious, agonizing alternations of doubt and
confidence, joy and despair—of all that is tender, of all that is heart in it, I fear you are utterly ignorant. For what
purpose can you wish a protracted stay?
Another thing—why do you keep secrets from me? Why suffer me to learn from others circumstances which so materially affect your interest?—as those of your father’s health. For my sake, for your own, let there be no mystery between us, no separation of interests. Trust me, I was rejoiced to learn that he was better again, and that you were the cause of it—that is the true balm, the only balm you can pour upon the wounds made by your absence—it gratifies and consoles me.