If tears which you saw and know I am not apt to
shed,—if the agitation in which I parted from you,—agitation which
you must have perceived through the whole of this most nervous affair, did not
commence until the moment of leaving you approached,—if all I have said
and done, and am still but too ready to say and do have not sufficiently proved
what my real feelings are, and must ever be towards you, my love, I have no
other proof to offer. God knows, I wish you happy, and when I quit you, or
rather you from a sense of duty to your husband and mother, quit
me, you shall acknowledge the truth of what I again promise and vow, that no
other in word or deed shall ever hold the place in my affections, which is, and
shall be, most sacred to you, till I am nothing. I
May God protect, forgive, and bless you ever and ever, more than ever
PS.—These taunts which have driven you to
this, my dearest Caroline, were it
not for your mother and the kindness of your connections, is there anything
in earth or heaven that would have made me so happy as to have made you
mine long ago? and not less now than then, but more than ever at this
time. You know I would with pleasure give up all here and beyond
the grave for you, and in refraining from this, must my motives be
misunderstood? I care not