In the course of our delightful and prosperous tour in
this region of plenty and bonhomie I
have often thought of writing to you; but, strange to say, having come to the
very heart of Germany, as a retreat from bustle of all
sorts, I have been living in a continual fuss and movement, and, except to my
family, to tell them I am “alive and kicking,” I have never put pen
to paper since I left London. I requested Lady
Clarke to send you a fragment of my scrawl as a remembrance. I
have derived infinite benefit from the waters of Kissingen, and I was delighted
with the society I found there, and gratified up to my
bent, by the manner of our reception everywhere. The kindness of the
Esterhazys and several other distinguished
LONDON LIFE—1839. | 465 |
Last night we were at the most original entertainment
ever given since the days of Charlemagne!
by the Princessa Vasa, for it was amongst the ruins of the
old castle (Alte Schloss) at the top of that steep rugged
mountain, which I need not describe to you. I got very nervous about going, as
the descent at night was no joke! We assembled at five in the centre of the
ruins, all in grand toilette—the men all chapeau bas! The grand spectacle was the sun
setting—and the moon rising over such scenes! Here there was a
collation—three tables. I was summoned to her Royal Highness, where,
by-the-bye, Lord Douglas and myself were the only British.
As the night advanced, the rest of the ruins were suddenly illuminated, as if
by magic, and we ascended to a Gothic chamber, superbly furnished en rococo,
where there was a concert, and a ball terminated the whole. The old dungeons
rang with the echoes of the most delightful bands of music all night. To-night
is the Grand Duke’s fête,
to which we are invited. And now I think I have tired you out, and shall beg of
With kind respects to Lord Talbot,