“It is not because I was insensible to either the
importance or the extreme of your kind and partial judgment of me, which appear
in your last letter, that I did not immediately answer it. Yet I could only
thank you for it, which I most sincerely do, confessing most unaffectedly my
unworthiness of what you are so good as to attribute to me. Though I know something, I know so little in comparison of what there
is to know, and which others know so much better, that though I might feel much
interest in the task you recommend, I am afraid I should
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“Where does your kindness end? I discover it in the warm and elegant (would I could say deserved) tribute which I read in the ——. No one else either thinks or could write so of me.
“What else has been written, if anything, I absolutely am ignorant in this closed-up nook; so if you can enlighten me by sending me any papers, pray do. Observe, I mean enlighten either for good or for evil; for, though I don’t desire, I can bear to be abused. I am rather surprised that the —— (the only weekly paper I take) has not yet attacked the ‘Pictures’ or the ‘Reviewer Reviewed.’
“Should you have heard anything about it (the latter), and whether it has reached Edinburgh, I should be glad to know, under cover, if you please, to Sir George Anson, at this place. En attendant.