“* * * * I am in possession of a manuscript work, the plan of which is at least singular. The form is certainly that of a novel, in which there is a love-story of no ordinary description; for though, in my opinion, it is full of interest, it is made the vehicle of the deepest disquisitions upon natural religion, particularly that part of it which concerns Providence and a future state. A great portion of it is also taken up with practical morality, and axioms relative to habits of life as they conduce to the happiness of man.
“The action depends upon this—a man of parts, of the
first monde in fashion, and well
known in public, from too fastidious a taste and sickly fancy, retires in
disgust to view the world only at a distance. He gives the title to the work,
which is called ‘The Man of Refinement.’ He is as un-
“The latter is a divine, of learning and piety, and contests between these two furnish the channel for the various discussions which occur, while the little scenes in which, and out of which, they arise, form the interest.
“The divine has a daughter. The ‘Man of
Refinement,’ disgusted with both the upper and lower ranks of
females, finds all he wants here. But his refinement has made him depart from
nature, while she is nature itself. He cures all his bad habits and
unreasonable disgusts to gain her, and actually does gain her affection. But in
his refinement he has lost his religion, while she is all piety. She refuses
him, therefore, at the expense of her happiness and health, which are ruined.
He, indeed, promises to be reclaimed; but she will only accept the reclamation
of perfect conviction. This, at last, is accomplished by her father; and the
combat between infidelity and the truth exhibits much interesting learning.
There is,
10 | R. PLUMER WARD. |
In short, the whole is the work of a man evidently himself of the world in its higher stages, though also a man of the closet. His name, however, is forbidden to appear. The Man of Refinement being converted in everything, is in the end happy in being brought back to truth, and a wife the daughter of truth.
“The work does not reach Revealed Religion. * * * * I am, Sir,