“I thank you for your letter, for your sympathy, and for your prayers. We have been supported even beyond my hopes, and according to our need. I do not feel any return of strength, but it will soon be restored; anxiety has worn me to the bone. While that state continued I was incapable of any employment, and my time was passed day and night alternately in praying that the worst might be averted, and in preparing for it if it might take place.
“Three things I prayed for,—the child’s
recovery if it might please God; that if this might not be, his passage might
be rendered easy; and that we might be supported in our affliction. The two
latter petitions were granted, and I am truly thankful. But when the event was
over, then, like David, I roused myself, and gave no way
to unavailing grief, acting in all things as I should wish others to act when
my hour also is come. I employ myself incessantly, taking, however, every day
as much exercise as I can bear without injurious fatigue, which is not much. My
appetite is good, and I have now no want of sleep. Edith is perfectly calm and resigned. Her
Ætat. 42. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 167 |