“You were right respecting the nature of my support under this affliction; there is but one source of consolation, and of that source I have drunk largely. When you shall see how I had spoken of my happiness but a few weeks ago, you will read with tears of sorrow what I wrote with tears of joy. And little did I think how soon and how literally another part of this mournful poem was to be fulfilled, when I said in it—
‘To earth I should have sunk in my despair, Had I not claspt the Cross, and been supported there.’ |
“I thank God for the strength with which we have borne
this trial. It is not possible for woman to have
“At present it would rather do me hurt than good to see you. I am perfectly calm and in full self-possession; but I know my own weakness as well as my strength, and the wholesomest regimen for a mind like mine, is assiduous application to pursuits which call forth enough of its powers to occupy without exhausting it. It is well for me that I can do this. I take regular exercise and am very careful of myself.
“Many will feel for me, but none can tell what I have lost: the head and flower of my earthly happiness is cut off. But I am not unhappy.
“God bless you!