“A natural but melancholy association reminds me of
you. Between three and four years ago, a youth, as ardent in the study of
poetry as yourself, but under less favourable circumstances of fortune, sent me
some specimens of his poems, and consulted me concerning the course of life
which he should pursue. He was the eldest of a very large family, and the
father a half-pay officer. He wished to go to London, and study the law, and
support himself while studying it by his pen. I pointed out to him the certain
misery and ruin in which such an event
Ætat. 42. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 151 |
“Of the many poets, young and old, whom I have known only by letter, Kirke White, Dusautoy, and yourself have borne the fairest blossom. In the blossom they have been cut off. May you live to bring forth fruit!
“I think you intimated an intention of going to Cambridge. The fever has broken out there again; physicians know not how to treat it; it has more the character of a pestilence than any disease which has for many years appeared in this island; and unless you have the strongest reasons for preferring Cambridge, the danger and the probability of the recurrence of this contagion are such, that you would do well to turn your thoughts towards Oxford on this account alone.
“Your sonnets have gratified me and my family.
“God bless you. Sir!