“About manufactures we shall not differ much, when we fully understand each other. I have no time now to explain; there are strangers coming to tea, and I seize the interval after dinner to say something relative to your prognostics,—a subject which lies as heavy at my heart as any public concerns can do, for I fully and entirely partake your fears.*
“Four years ago I wrote in the Q. R. to explain the state of Jacobinism in the country, and with the hope of alarming the Government. At present they are alarmed; they want to oppose pen to pen, and I have just been desired to go up to town and confer with Lord Liverpool. God help them, and is it come to this! It is well that the press should be employed in their favour; but if they rely upon influencing public opinion by such means, it becomes us rather to look abroad where we may rest our heads in safety, or to make ready for taking leave of them at home.
* “I am in a bad state of mind, sorely disgusted at the prevalence of that mock humanity, which is now becoming the instrument of dis solving all authority, government, and, I apprehend, human society itself. Again we shall have to go through chaos and all its stages. It is of no use to think, or to try to act for the benefit of mankind, while this agreeable poison is in full operation, as at present. I retire hopeless into my nutshell till I am disturbed there, which will not be long if the humanity men prevail; the revolution will not, I expect, be less tremendous, or less mischievous than that of France—the mock humanity being only a mode of exalting the majesty of the people and putting all things into the power of the mob. I wish I may be wrong in my prognostics on this subject.”—J. R. to R. S., Sept. 7. 1816. |
“I wish to avoid a conference which will only sink me in Lord Liverpool’s judgment: what there may be in me is not payable at sight; give me leisure and I feel my strength. So I shall write to Bedford (through whom, via Herries, the application has been made) such a letter as may be laid before him, and by this means I shall be able to state my opinion of the danger in broader terms than I could well do perhaps in conversation. The only remedy (if even that be not too late) is to check the press; and I offer myself to point out the necessity in a manner which may waken the sound part of the country from their sleep. My measures would be to make transportation the punishment for sedition, and to suspend the Habeas Corpus; and thus I would either have the anarchists under weigh for Botany Bay or in prison within a month after the meeting of Parliament. Irresolution will not do.
“I suppose they will set up a sort of Anti-Jacobin journal, and desire me to write upon the state of the nation before the session opens. If they would—but act as I will write,—I mean as much in earnest and as fearlessly—the country would be saved, and I would stake my head upon the issue, which very possibly may be staked upon it without my consent.
“Of course no person knows of this application except
my wife. By the time my letter (which will go to-morrow) can be answered, I
shall be able to start for London, if it be still required. Most likely it will
be. Meantime I should like to know your opinion of my views. They want you for
Ætat. 43. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 207 |