“If I am again desired to come to London, it will be
very foolish, after the letters I have written. They are to this purport, to
express my full opinion upon the real state of things, and expose the actual
danger in broad terms; to recommend, as the only means of averting it, that the
batteries which arc now playing in breach upon the Government, be silenced; in
other words, that the punishment for sedition be made such as to prevent a
repetition of the offence. . . . . I have endeavoured to make the necessity of
these measures felt, and show that, for my own part, I cannot be better
employed anywhere than here; and that if it be thought advisable that I should
either covertly or openly give up some time to political writing, it would
counteract, in great measure, the effect of anything, if I were to accept of
anything in shape of office or augmented pension. This, therefore, I have
“I heartily wish you were in an efficient situation. Everything may be done with foresight and intention; without them, everything must go to ruin.
“God bless you!