“I have not looked with impatience for further news
from you, because, whatever news you might have to send, I must needs finish a
paper in time for the present number,—for the love of 100l. I have no intention of going to London unless there
be a necessity for it. Application was made to me, some months ago, to revise a
great book by Raffles upon the Island of Java before it goes
to press;
“That I shall make an appeal to the good sense of the country upon the existing state of things, and the prospect before us, is very likely, since my attention has been thus called to it. Indeed, if there be a probability of doing good, there seems little reason for any further stimulus, and the thing may be done certainly as well, and perhaps more becomingly, without any further intimation from the powers above. I incline at present to write anonymously, or under some fictitious name; for were the book to attract notice (and if it does not it will be useless), a mystery about the author would very much increase its sale. In that case a change of publishers would contribute to keep the secret; and, if I seek a new one, Nicoll would obviously be the man. In meditating upon this work I grow ambitious, and think of presenting such a view of things, as, whether it produce immediate benefit or not, may have a permanent value both for matter and composition.
Ætat. 43. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 217 |
“Pray Inform me with the least possible delay whether, as P. L., I am exempt from serving parish offices, the people of Keswick having this day thrust honour upon me in the office of surveyor (what it means they best know); my appeal against the appointment must be made on the 12th of this month. Whatever the office be, I have neither knowledge, leisure, or inclination for it.
“Abuse does good, and of that I have plenty; but praise is more useful, and is not so liberally bestowed. I have seen a number of the Champion, in which my name stands for text to a sermon nothing relating to me; but at the conclusion it is said that the change in my opinions, as implied in my last writings, is that I recommend implicit submission; hence it should appear that the said Champion had not read those writings. Hunt and Hazlitt, I know, incessantly attack me; this barking makes a noise, and noise calls attention; so that as long as they have it not in their power to pass sentence upon me as a counter-revolutionist, such enmity is in its degree useful.
“The children, thank God, are well, and so am I as far
as the husk is concerned; but the interior is as unlike what it was
twelvemonths ago, as the darkest November day Is unlike the bright sunshine of
a genial May morning. And, whenever I relapse into recollections of what has
been (and every hour brings with it something that calls up these thoughts), it
is an effort to refrain from tears. I go about my business as usual, perform
the ordinary functions of life, see company, go out visit-
“This is too deep a strain. Give me my cap and Bells. . . . .
“Can you send me some money? I am pauper et inops. The next number will float me. I have a thousand things to say to you if you were here; and have planned many expeditions into the vales and up the mountains when next you come. Remember me to all at home. God bless you!