“Since I wrote to you at Boulogne, the greater part of
my time has been consumed by interruptions of which I ought not to complain,
seeing they must needs be beneficial to my health, however they may be felt in
the sum total of the year’s work. I have had for a guest
C——. There is something remarkable in the history of
this family. His grandmother was a she-philosopher, a sort of animal much worse
than a she-bear. Her housekeeper having broken her leg, she was exceedingly
indignant at not being able to convince her that there was no such thing as
pain; and when the poor woman complained that the children disturbed her by
playing in a room over her head, she insisted upon it that that was impossible,
because it was the nature of sound to ascend; and, therefore, she could not be
disturbed unless they played in the room under her. This good lady bred up her
children as nearly as she could upon Rousseau’s maxims, and was especially careful that they
“C—— introduced himself to me about three years ago by sending me some poems, which for a youth of seventeen were almost better than should be wished. . . . . When he first proposed to visit me, his father was thrown into a paroxysm of anger, notwithstanding the mollia tempora fandi had been chosen for venturing to make the request; but he suffered him to see me in London last year. He had formed a notion that I was a Methodist, and drank nothing but water; and I believe it raised me considerably in his estimation when C—— assured him that I seemed to enjoy wine as much as any man. . . . .
also, has been here with all his household, and such a household! The principle
of the family seems to be that, provided the servants have faith, good works
are not to be expected from them, and the utter disorder which prevails in
consequence is truly farcical. The old coachman would figure upon the stage.
Upon making some complaint about the horses, he told his master and
Ætat. 44. | OF ROBERT SOUTHEY. | 317 |
“A few words now concerning myself. It was my intention to have spent the Christmas in London; a very unexpected cause induced me to delay my journey. More than six years have elapsed since the birth of my youngest child: all thoughts of having another had naturally ceased. In February or March, however, such an event may be looked for. My spirits are more depressed by this than they ought to be; but you may well imagine what reflections must arise. I am now in my forty-fifth year, and if my life should be prolonged it is but too certain that I should never have heart again to undertake the duty which I once performed with such diligence and such delightful hope. It is well for us
* A part of Christ Church, so called, where Mr. Wynn’s rooms were situated. |
“I begin to be solicitous about making such a provision as should leave me at ease in my ways and means, if loss of health or any other calamity should render me incapable of that constant labour, from which, while health and ability may last, I shall have no desire to shrink. When my next poem is finished, I shall be able to do what has never before been in my power,—to demand a sum for it.
“God bless you, my dear Wynn!